Tag Archives: vampires

Time to Speculate

I landed my gyrocopter at the writing cabin mid morning. Something felt off, but I had a decent idea to toy with.

Lisa Burton, the robot girl handed me a mug of coffee, as she took my hat and coat. “Percy’s waiting in your main office.

I looked at her nebula print skirt and how it hugged her curves. “You look ready for space today.”

“That’s where you left off last time. If I have to change for the Hat story, let me know.”

“You’re good. I want to go back and plant some things in my story. Just enough to lodge in the readers’ minds.”

Percy, the Space Chimp waited on the couch. “What are we working on today?”

“Not sure. I’m at a place I’ve never been before. Both stories are log-jammed in my mind somehow. I’m going to back up and add some data to your story. Maybe it will inspire me to move it forward.”

“What are you adding?”

“We already have Classic aliens. The kind everyone thinks of with big eyes, bulbous heads, etcetera. I’m going to give them a form of telepathy.”

“That’s been done, dude.”

“True, but my Classics are annoying. They invade people’s minds, they go on illegal adventure tourism, and most of my galactic inhabitants hate them.”

“I hate them.”

“Plays right into my hand. You’re the one that feels discrimination everywhere. Sometimes, when it doesn’t exist. It’s because you’re a genetically engineered species. When you discriminate in turn, it gives me a chance to teach you a lesson.”

“That’s bullshit, dude. I’m supposed to be the hero here. You know, heroic?”

“You still need some kind of character arc. Besides, it’s a team adventure. Maybe someone else can be the focus for a few chapters.”

“I doubt it. Don’t see anyone else here today.”

Lisa walked in and flopped down beside Percy. “I can remedy that. My database is full of contacts. I have everything from a talking yak to a devil lady called Mustang Sally.”

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Please. I monitored your typing speed, and you aren’t hitting any word count records today. Talk to us, maybe it will help.”

“Okay. The Midnight Rambler has taken refuge, and is building a fortress. His plan is to make Lizzie and the hat come to him. To fight on his turf, so he can kill the hat.”

“Sounds great,” Percy said. “What’s the problem?”

“Lizzie can’t just wait around until I send her into the big fight. She needs to be a little more proactive. I’ve expanded her world to a degree, and readers seem to love that, but the main story needs a bit more.”

“How did you expand it?”

Lisa leaned forward with a business card. “Castor and Pollux, Attorney’s at Law. Makes for a great side story with the attorney’s from the supernatural world, but I can see what he means. Side stories are great, but the main event needs to stack up properly.”

“I set the whole story during a major flood. We’re talking tornado sirens, rain, thunder, flooded buildings, the works. I can’t use Kevin as her street informant, because he lives in a culvert. He has to be missing somehow. I can bring him back in the future, but Lizzie needs something else this time.”

“Get rid of the flood,” Percy suggested.

“I can’t. I want Lizzie’s band to play a set of rain and flood songs.”

“That’s just stupid.”

“Now you get the point. The Hat stories are supposed to be corny. One day someone is going to leave me a review that reads, ‘This is the stupidest story I ever read, and I absolutely loved it.’ Sometimes people just need an escape from every day life, and a chuckle along the way.”

“Frenemies,” Lisa said.

“I don’t get it?”

“Back in Mrs. Molony, you introduced a female vampire that hunted the special events. You could bring her back to fill Kevin’s role for one story.”

“Oh yeah, short, stacked, flirty. She was a redhead.”

“Maybe you could have some fun with the frenemies concept.”

Percy slapped his hands together. “Great, we’re all stupid and funny now. What about my story? Why do the Classics have to be so creepy. Seems to me if they’re telepaths, there’s no reason for us to sneak about and do spy things?”

“Ah, you’ve reached that point. Someone who likes speculative fiction has to suspend disbelief in varying degrees.”

“I get that. I’m a space chimp genetically created from a dish-full of human and ape DNA. People have to believe that.”

“Nope. This is the deeper version. Why didn’t the eagles just fly the ring directly to Mordor? Indiana Jones had no influence on the story about the lost arc. It’s like time travel. Once you introduce it, there’s always the question about why someone didn’t travel backward or forward to fix everything.”

“Why don’t the cops ever show up? Why can’t Stormtroopers hit anything with their lasers?” Lisa added.

“Then why keep writing at all?”

“Because people who like speculative stories will go with the flow. Authors learn to add limitations and it helps make things more realistic. Your Classics have to be close to make it work. Maybe even invade personal space. That’s another reason why people shun them.”

“Okay, we completed half our spy mission and we’re floating around in the void. Let’s fire up the engines and do the next part.”

“I don’t want the second half to be like the first. You might complete the quest, but it has to pose a whole bunch of new problems.”

“And you don’t know what those are. Figures. I should have held out for a better author.”

“I know what they are, but it’s kind of like building a puzzle. Things have to fit together the right way. Thirty-eight thousand words in, readers will have already seen space travel. They know how the ship works. I can’t get any more mileage from that while you trek across deep space.”

“So we just float there until you figure things out. Meanwhile, you’re planning on bringing a vampire to the cabin? Lisa doesn’t have blood, so I have a little problem with that.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time one came here,” Lisa added. “Relax, Uber eats comes if I call them. We can order some dumplings or something, and she can snack on the driver. If I tip them well, they seem to keep quiet. She leaves them with a huge smile on their faces.”

“We didn’t get anything done.” Percy slumped back into the couch.

“I don’t see it that way. Sometimes thinking and talking things out is more important than word count. Besides, I got this long blog post out of the deal.”


Filed under Muse

War of Nytefall: Eulogy #99¢ #newbook

Charles Yallowitz is a dear friend and he has a new book to tell us about. Charles is one of the premier fantasy authors out there and this is the second series he’s placed in his expansive world of Windemere.


On the eve of Clyde’s dream becoming reality, his life will be torn asunder.

Cover Art by Alison Hunt

As his dream of peace becomes a reality, Clyde faces his darkest challenge. With the Dawn Fangs’ existence exposed, the time for negotiations has begun. Mortal rulers and the council of Nytefall gather to discuss terms, but chaos is already stirring. It does not take long for Clyde’s dream to become a nightmare as villages are slaughtered by a Dawn Fang who is rumored to be the newly crowned Vampire King. Bodies of friends and enemies pile up as this mysterious imposter reveals why mortals should fear Clyde. Will Clyde’s final adventure see his dream of peace fail before it is realized? The truth is more horrifying than the Dawn Fangs ever imagined.


Curiosity piqued? Check out this teaser!

The Truth?

Coming to the windmill, Magrus coats his body in a protective shell and carefully climbs to the top of the broken structure. Slowly turning in a circle, he scans the area to get a full sense of the remaining magic. He ignores the auras of the guards, who are sifting through the wreckage to find more bodies. Those who have been located have already been moved to the outskirts where they are being prepared for transport. Peering down the narrow road, he can see an oxen-driven cart is getting closer and sighs at how it will not be enough to collect all of the dead. Magrus considers warning the lieutenant, but he fears it will lead to a long conversation and waste more of his precious time. He turns to where the man is helping to prop up a wall, which has crushed a family of four. Shaking his head, the Zarian climbs down from his perch and uses his staff to help him navigate his way out of town. Nothing catches his interest, but he stops momentarily to send a few more lost souls to the afterlife.

“Let us see what really happened,” Magrus whispers as he reaches the woods.

Turning back to the village, the man plunges his staff into the earth and grips it tightly to prevent himself from falling over. His eyes develop a rainbow shimmer over the gold as he wavers on his feet. Fighting through the looming fatigue, the priest lets his magical vision change from what is in front of him to revealing phantoms of the past. Transparent buildings rise back into place and ghostly figures go about their lives even though he can still sense a little of what is truly there. Magrus scowls at the sight of a black-haired figure landing a few feet away, the puff of dirt revealing an illusion covering the small crater. Within seconds of appearing, the man rushes at the town and begins destroying everything in sight. Using only his fists and feet, he breaks houses and shatters people. The attacker’s speed is almost too much for the Zarian to follow, so he focuses on examining the phantasmal carnage for clues. He spots bite marks on several necks and sees the chickens were devoured in the blink of an eye. Torches and candles are knocked over to start the fires, which explode into an inferno connected to the illusionary plume of smoke. Magrus is not sure what caused the sudden blast since the attacker had been tearing the local blacksmith in half at the time. Deciding he has seen enough, the man freezes the vision before falling to his knees from the exertion. He is able to hold the image for another second before it disappears, but it still gives him a clear view of the rampaging figure.

“This cannot be shared,” Magrus says as he takes out a piece of paper. He mutters a spell to transfer the image of a black-haired man with a corn-shaped necklace from his brain to the parchment. “It would appear that Clyde of Nytefall is not as big a fan of peace as one would believe. Yet, I still see mysteries here. The fires grew without his influence and I see no reason why he would want this place discovered. I have many questions, Lady Zaria, so I cannot purify the Vampire King until I have answers. There has never been a man or monster who has escaped my thorough investigations. This one will be no different. I swear on my goddess’s crimson hair that Clyde and the Dawn Fangs will be judged. Then, if necessary, they will be punished.”

Click here for your copy of the Dawn Fangs’ final battle for 99 cents on Amazon! Help spread the word by adding it to your Goodreads ‘To Read’ List!


New to War of Nytefall?Grab all 8 Volumes for 99 cents each ($8 total)!

Cover Art by Alison Hunt

Interested in more Windemere?  Then don’t forget to check out Charles E. Yallowitz’s first series: Legends of Windemere

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

About the Author:

Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After spending many years fiddling with his thoughts and notebooks, he decided that it was time to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house with only pizza and seltzer to sustain him, Charles brings you tales from the world of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you and drawing you into a world of magic. Blog: www.legendsofwindemere.com Twitter: @cyallowitz Facebook: Charles Yallowitz Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyallowitz/

Enjoy Clyde’s final adventure by clicking here!


Craig here again. That’s a pretty good deal for the entire series. Promo is hard, so let’s all help Charles out by using those sharing buttons today.


Filed under Writing

99¢ Promo War of Nytefall: Anarchy

As the vampires battle in the shadows, a new enemy appears to drag them into the light!

Cover Art by Alison Hunt

The paladins of Windemere have had enough!

As the Vampire Civil War heats up, mysterious murders are being committed against members of every holy order. All signs point to the culprits being vampires, which has resulted in the creation of a unified paladin army. To protect his people, Clyde must find the killers before the holy warriors unleash their purifying crusade. It is a battle against frustrating obstacles as the war inches closer to mortal civilization and ambitious new allies join Nytefall.

One slip is all that is needed for the secret of the Dawn Fangs to be revealed.

Curiosity piqued? Check out this teaser!

The urge to move faster nearly overtakes Lost’s common sense, but she reminds herself that adults are supposed to be patient. As if her mind is trying to undermine her actions, she is on the verge of whistling the first tune that slips into her thoughts. Sucking in her lips, the Dawn Fang pierces them with her fangs to stop them from causing trouble. The pain makes her eyes water and she squishes mud in her hands to hold back a scream. Reaching out with her telepathy, she tries to locate her targets while she lets her unfocused thoughts run their course. A distant prayer to Ram the War God causes her to change her direction and she takes a deep breath to regain her composure. With the paladins so far away, Lost moves a little faster, but stops short of giving in to her silly, impatient urges. Seeing the edge of the tall grass, she drops again and uses her elbows to pull herself along like she remembers seeing Titus do on several missions. As she comes out of her cover, the bright sun blinds her, so she is unable to stop herself from banging into something metal, which falls onto her back.

“Get off of me!” Lost shouts before telekinetically hurling the object into the river. She scrambles to her feet and freezes at the sight of six paladins standing in her path. “Such shiny and pretty armors, you have here. I really like the guy with the big helmet. Is that an ostrich feather? I keep meaning to ride one of those again. So, nice day for a walk. This is bunny who is totally unable to fly. That’s why he’s on my head. Your friend seems okay, so there’s absolutely no reason for us to spend any more time together. Bye!”

“You must be Lost,” Lord Adam says through his great helm. He takes a step forward and holds out a diamond fused to a bronze chain. “We are well aware of you and your abilities, monster. That is why I travel with this. None of your mind tricks will work on those who stand in my presence. Even your keen senses are tricked by the spells designed specifically to thwart your actions. Be honored that we went to so much trouble to design items with you in mind. No other Dawn Fang has earned so much individual attention.”

“That’s kind of creepy,” she replies as she steps back. Seeing weapons getting drawn, she stops retreating and playfully slaps at the mud with her bare feet. “Needed to wash some gunk out from between my toesies. Well, this is awkward. You brought me such a pretty present and I don’t have anything for you. Bunny says that I need to work on my manners. There’s really no need for violence. Dawn Fangs are mostly good. Just like mortals, we have some bad ones, but we’re all individuals like all of you. I mean, we all eat soup the same way, right? I really hope you all use spoons for that comparison to work.”

“Abominations such as you-” the paladin begins to announce.

“Look at the naked heretic!” she shouts while pointing into the distance.

All of the holy warriors, except for Lord Adam, turn to see what Lost is gesturing at, so she flings mud at their leader’s helmet grating. The man coughs and hacks as the Dawn Fang sprints back to the river and launches herself to the other side. A quake meets her as she lands and she nearly topples onto her side, but manages to stumble along. Glancing over her shoulder, she does not see any of the paladins in pursuit and considers slowing down to get her bearings. Lost’s eyes go wide when she sees the powerful steeds rise into the air, arch over the river, and land in a perfect line that immediately charges ahead. The open plains allow the warriors to move at full speed, which is only slightly slower than the sprinting Dawn Fang. They hurl spells and glowing weapons, which return to their hands, but the attacks never hit their mark. Those that come close are deflected by a telekinetic shield, which repeatedly shatters upon impact thanks to Lord Adam’s diamond weakening her even from a distance. With the relic defending the paladins’ minds and muffling their hoofbeats, she has to repeatedly look over her shoulder to make sure none of them have disappeared. To her relief, they never break formation and she gets a sense of their attack pattern, which never falters.

Get a copy of this vampire action adventure for
99 cents on Amazon!
Help spread the word by adding it on Goodreads!


Want to catch up on War of Nytefall?Grab the volumes 1-6 for 99 cents each ($6 total)!

Cover Art by Alison Hunt

Interested in more Windemere? Then don’t forget to check out Charles E. Yallowitz’s first series: Legends of Windemere

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

About the Author:

Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After spending many years fiddling with his thoughts and notebooks, he decided that it was time to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house with only pizza and seltzer to sustain him, Charles brings you tales from the world of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you and drawing you into a world of magic.

Blog: www.legendsofwindemere.com
Twitter: @cyallowitz
Facebook: Charles Yallowitz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyallowitz/

Enjoy the fang-filled adventure by clicking here!


Filed under Uncategorized

War of Nytefall – Savagery #NewBook #IARTG

Hi gang, Charles is here to tell us about the newest entry in his Nytefall Series. Make sure to help him spread the word by using those sharing buttons.

It’s Monster vs Monster and Only One will Keep His Head!

Savagery For the first time in over a century, Clyde will know what it means to feel powerless and weak.

Headless bodies appearing across Windemere is only the beginning as Clyde faces the terrifying vampire hunter, Alastyre.  Able to match the Dawn Fang leader in power and ferocity, this new menace shows no signs of weakness or mercy.  With both friends and enemies getting dragged into the battle, Clyde will have to find a way to become stronger.  For that, he will have to accept an ancient challenge and pray that those he cares about and trusts can hold Alastyre at bay. Which monster of Windemere will claim the top of the food chain?

Want to hear more?  Enjoy this Teaser!

Alastyre disappears for a moment before reappearing in front of Clyde and grinning at how the Dawn Fang does not react. “I have waited many years for this day. You probably don’t remember me since it has been so long. The temptation to tell Mab the truth when she was my captive was so strong that I knew I needed more time to mature. I should only feel happy and excited when we are about to clash. By the way, your enemies put up an entertaining fight. It lasted no more than a couple of minutes, but I enjoyed it. My hope is that your reputation is true and I will get to use my full power for once. The thought of ripping your head off and adding it to my collection is one of the few dreams that gives my life meaning. Is this where we’re going to fight? I see that there is a lot of sand and giant boulders scattered about. Do you use this courtyard as a large rock garden in order to relax? You are a more amusing monster than I expected.”

“I don’t like you,” Mab growls before she is grabbed by the face.

“A drug-addicted worm should watch-”

“Put . . . my . . . partner . . . down,” Clyde growls from behind the hunter. The illusionary vampire fades away as the real one materializes, his gauntlet sword already pressed against the man’s meaty neck. “You say we’ve met before and you’ve been training to fight me. Looks more like you’ve altered yourself to become a freak. The smell of your blood reeks of corruptive magic and demon influence. There’s a hint of Dawn Fang and dragon in there too. You’re nothing more than a glorified golem. Bunch of parts and auras cobbled together to turn a weak mortal into a monster. I’m not impressed, Alan Stryker. Still trying to strike fear into the rotting hearts of my kind? At least your name isn’t as stupid as it was before.”

“Wait, do you mean that guy who attacked you outside of Lord Shallis’s castle?” Titus asks with a chuckle. He grunts when his sister is thrown into him, the force sending the siblings crashing against the patio’s railing. “I told you that keeping him alive was a mistake, but I didn’t think it would turn into this. You must be angry that nobody believed your story about vampires that are immune to the sun. Is that what this is about?”

With a casual flick of his finger, Alastyre sends Clyde’s sword and arm flying across the courtyard. “No because it was another hunter who survived and told that tale. Your leader was so distracted with Mab biting him that he failed to notice a second mortal that he failed to kill. I focused on recovery and getting stronger because I refused to follow such a ridiculous plan. The fewer people who knew about the Dawn Fangs, the better my chances were at being the one to succeed. Please know that I only want to destroy your leadership. Originally, I wished to wipe all of you out of existence, but that could prove to be impossible. You monsters are more talented at hiding than anything else I have hunted, so I could never be sure of your extinction. The next best thing is to take over Nyetfall and use it as a jail for your kind. All Dawn Fangs will be contained on this island once they no longer have their precious rulers. Don’t you agree that this is much better than extermination, Clyde?”

“I have no opinion because it’s never going to happen.”

“Do you accept my challenge?”

“You never officially made one.”

“I demand that you fight me to the death.”

“Thank you for being straightforward and not making me hunt you down.”

“We fight in an hour then.”

“Why not now?” Alastyre points while mentioning, “You are still missing an arm. I want to face you at full strength.”

“Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance,” the Dawn Fang says as he continues healing the injury.

Get a copy of this vampire action adventure for 99 cents on Amazon! Help spread the word by adding it on Goodreads!


Want to catch up on War of Nytefall?Grab the volumes 1-5 for 99 cents each ($5 total)!

Cover Art by Alison Hunt

Interested in more Windemere?  Then don’t forget to check out Charles E. Yallowitz’s first series: Legends of Windemere

All Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

About the Author:

Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After spending many years fiddling with his thoughts and notebooks, he decided that it was time to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house with only pizza and seltzer to sustain him, Charles brings you tales from the world of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you and drawing you into a world of magic.

Blog: www.legendsofwindemere.com

Twitter: @cyallowitz

Facebook: Charles Yallowitz

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyallowitz/

Enjoy the fang-filled adventure by clicking here!


Filed under Writing

The Friday Teaser

Here we are, at the last Friday in September. I don’t think I’ve actually fooled anyone with the teasers, but they amuse me. Nothing too complicated, just hit the music and check out the poster.

The Ballad of Mrs. Molony is going to drop on October first, Lord willing and the Amazon doesn’t rise. Enjoy this poster of Lisa Burton recreating an image from the story.

Lisa Burton


Filed under Writing

Time for our weekly teaser

I suppose nearly any of my books might loosely fit into the Halloween theme. I’m still hoping to publish one on October 1st. At the time of this writing, I got a peek at the formatted manuscript and identified a few glitches. It’s all progressing according to the schedule.

For this little teaser, turn up your speakers, and enjoy the all-star assembly. Check out the Lisa Burton poster to get some ideas about what Halloween means at Entertaining Stories. Have fun.


Lisa Burton


Filed under Uncategorized

Two updates in one week

It feels good to accomplish something on occasion. Old What’s Her Face just called as she got off work and put an end to my writing day.

This time, I didn’t have any work commitments, or other projects to address. It was a day for me to do whatever I want, and I chose writing.

I got up late, which felt awesome. Usually, Otto wants his breakfast by about 5:00, but he was feeling lazy, too. I fumbled a bit with what project to tackle. Sundays don’t give me a lot of time, but I can address the critiques I have for Lanternfish. That gives it some momentum this weekend. It isn’t much, but it counts.

Jason Fogg is to a place where I want to think about it for a while, and that left Lizzie and The Hat.

The book is called The Ballad of Mrs. Molony, but she hasn’t made an appearance for a while. This is because she’s going to get the big ending scene. Lizzie and the Pythons finished their gig at a country bar, and spotted the vampires they’re after. Things went downhill from there.

They took up a vigil trying to spot one passing pickup in an area that seemed like a good target. Stakeout work is boring, so I’m counting on characters to keep it interesting. It’s their style to bicker and pick about things, and there is plenty of that in this chapter.

Lizzie pissed off the clientele at the country bar, (Who knew cowboys wouldn’t appreciate Van Halen,) and I let the hat go on a supervised Internet shopping spree. He’s kind of an Internet junkie these days.

All told, it came to over 3300 words, my best day in a long time. I could have easily kept going, but my wife is on her way home. I’m going to reread an old short story of mine, because I can see a place for that character in the world of Lizzie and The Hat.

The story is called Night Bump Radio. It involves a character from Will O’ the Wisp, who grew up to host a late night call in show. It’s based loosely on the old Art Bell programs where people call in about bigfoot, aliens, ghosts, and all kinds of things that go bump in the night.

The loose idea is this becomes a point of worry when people start calling in about a mysterious character known on the streets as The Hat. Hey, you can’t shoot things up without a witness or two picking up on it. I can sort of introduce it here. Step it up a bit in the next book, then the one after that, I can have some real fun with it. It also gives me a tie to Patty Hall, from Wisp, if I want to include her down the road.

Not a lot planned for tomorrow. I’ll probably look at my critiques and make a few adjustments, then that will close out my weekend. Hope all of you are safe, well, and doing something fun this weekend.


Filed under Writing

War of Nytefall: Eradication

Lisa Burton

Don’t touch that dial! You’ve landed on Lisa Burton Radio, the only show that brings you interviews with the characters you love. My special guest today is Chastity Sullivan, and Chastity is someone I respect. She’s an independent business woman who operates between factions that don’t always get along.

On top of all that, Chastity is a vampire. “Welcome to the show, Chastity.”

“Mab and Clyde told me all about their visits. So, I’m very excited to be here.”

“I think we all kind of know what a vampire is, but you’re something new. Can you give us an idea of what being a Dawn Fang means?”

“When people hear the word ‘vampire’, they are probably thinking of the Old World variety. Weak or killed by sunlight, an array of powers, and uncontrollable blood lust. Dawn Fangs are completely different. We’re actually alive with heartbeats, the ability to breed, eating regular food, and a full immunity to sunlight. I can pass as a mortal with ease, which is very beneficial to my business. Dawn Fangs can be a little overly emotional at times and we traded our magic for three unique powers for each of us.”

“Spill it, girl. This in an interview show. We want to know what special powers you got when you became a Dawn Fang.”

“Well, my abilities aren’t trade secrets. Our powers tend to work off our personality and habits prior to turning. A major part of my business is letting people indulge in their sexual desires, which can involve my participation. So, I ended up getting the ability to never tire and a charm mist that I can emit from my skin. I have a lot of fun with it too because I can make people do what I ask or have them fall asleep. Helps calming down some of my impulsive friends too. My third ability is telekinesis, which I’ve honed to the point where I use it without thinking. Floating mugs to my hand when I’m tending the bar or stroking an attractive patron’s neck from afar is always fun.”

“Okay, so that mist thingie is pretty cool. Can you make it smell like Clive Christian perfume?”

“Come to think of it, I never really considered the smell. It doesn’t have any odor that I can sense, but I have heard people describe it. One man claimed it smelled like his mother’s home cooking and a woman last night swore it was the scent of roses after a heavy rain. From what I can tell, the charm mist takes the smell of whatever my target loves the most. So, the perfume scent could happen if that’s what you’re into. Not sure I can charm a robot, so I don’t know how to test it.”

“My bio says Clyde is the leader of the Dawn Fangs. It’s been a couple of years since I talked with him, but it seemed like he just wanted everyone to get along.”

“Clyde really is an odd one, huh? He’s the most powerful Dawn Fang and possibly the strongest creature outside of the gods of Windemere. I’ve seen him cleave a mountaintop in two with his fists, so you know he could conquer the world if he wanted. Yet, his goal is to show that Dawn Fangs and mortals can live in harmony. Many of us are already living among what would normally be our prey and aren’t causing any trouble. My business is a great example since I cater to both sides who will unwittingly drink alongside each other.”

“That’s what I mean. He dreams it, but you live it. Your business is called the Scrumptious Siren. It’s an amalgamation of services, but it’s frequented by Old World vampires, Dawn Fangs, humans, elves, dwarves, and well, basically everyone. The fact that they all get along proves that it works.”

“To be honest, I don’t see many Old World vampires these days. They’ve aligned with Nyte and I’m not always seen as a neutral location. Can’t blame them since I was part of Clyde’s gang long ago. Even without them, we do have occasional rule breakers. I can stop the fights inside with my mist, but there are times when a vampire or mortal will take a grudge outside. That’s why I have vampiric hummingbirds in the surrounding forest. They really only go for vampires and drain them of any blood they steal, but I’ve had to change them since becoming a Dawn Fang. Now, my pets deliver a knockout drug and leave them for me to handle. Beyond that, everyone plays in harmony under my roof.”

“Okay, Windermere is not Earth, and I get that. Here we have laws, and our enforcement might not be so swift, but those systems can work with a bit of respect from the participants. Just to keep things interesting, you’re also kind of an informant of sorts. What can you tell us about that?”

“I would call myself more of a broker of secrets and rumors. The Scrumptious Siren is a popular place for a variety of people. It functions as a bakery, tavern, inn, sex palace, spa, and just sometimes a dance club. This means I get to hear a lot of what’s going on around the area. Since I need to make deals with traders across Windemere for the best supplies, I get more information from them. Maybe I have a few intimate friends in every port and some high places too. I’ve spent centuries creating a global network of connections, so stories always seem to find their way to me.”

“Having a good source of information is important. I myself have been known to hack into computer systems while others go into harm’s way.”

“We don’t have computers, so my hacking is more physical. It isn’t that I get involved, but I usually get what Clyde needs and hand it off. Things are probably going to be different this time. I really need to take a firmer hand in events now.”

“It seems like you have a good thing going here, why risk it all at this time?”

“Where to start? Somebody has shown up with this weapon called the Fist of Durag. Durag is the Sun God of Windemere, so you know he doesn’t like vampires. This person has already depowered and killed at least a dozen Dawn Fangs across the globe. That’s only the ones we know because we’ve lost contact with more. I worry that an army is building around this person. The last time the Duragians marched against vampires, we barely survived and that was only because Clyde returned with his new powers. They’re ready for him this time. There’s also an . . . incident with the Fist of Durag holder that has made this personal. Probably best that I not make that public. It would be really bad for business right now.”

“Okay, I can see the desire to get involved at that point. Aside from everything else, you are very powerful, and Clyde could probably use the help.”

“The whole scenario has me worried, especially because Clyde isn’t acting like himself. I don’t know if I would call him scared, but he’s definitely nervous. I’d compare it to someone seeing a ghost that they swore would never return. I think this weapon was created from the same accident that turned Clyde into a Dawn Fang, so it could be the one thing that can kill him. I can’t really sit on the sidelines when one of my closest friends is in such danger. I’m not as good a fighter as Mab or the Vengeance Hounds, but I have a good amount of tricks.”

“I wish you all the success possible. Then you can get back to helping everyone get along. What’s next for the Scrumptious Siren?”

“I’m looking into building a simple racetrack around the hill and possibly turning one of the lower floors into a small brewery. I need to find people who are more knowledgeable than myself. My business is only as good as my employees since I can’t master everything. I might expand the relaxation area around the hot spring I made too. It’s a fairly new type of business in Windemere, so I’m not sure what else to do with it. We already have massage rooms. Maybe I’ll take a trip to explore the world for new ideas once I know I won’t get murdered by a crazy priest wielding a god-powered weapon.”

“Chastity, I think all of that is cool. The world needs more people like you who build and bring folks together.

“For our listeners today, you can read all about Chastity and the Dawn Fangs in the War of Nytefall series by Charles Yallowitz. The newest edition is called War of Nytefall: Eradication, and Charles promises it won’t be the last one.

“Thanks for listening today, and I’ll add all the details to the website once we go off the air. Don’t forget to use those sharing buttons today. Charles has done it for everyone who ever appeared here, and he deserves a bit of love today. For Lisa Burton Radio, I’m Lisa Burton.”



As Dawn Fang vampires are found dead across Windemere, their infamous leader will remember what it is to be afraid.

With the truce between Nyte and Nytefall nearing its end, an old enemy has emerged to rekindle the vampires’ most ancient feud. A Duragian priest is on the move and he is wielding a weapon that can depower and kill Dawn Fangs. This follower of the Sun God has claimed enough victims that Lord Tempest wants the weapon for himself and Clyde is beginning to worry that his fledgling kingdom is in danger of extinction. When it becomes clear that the mysterious relic and Clyde’s transformation into the first Dawn Fang are connected, he will be forced to face a past that he can barely remember.

What can Clyde do to defend his people, his life, and the child he does not know is on the way from the terrifying Fist of Durag?

Pick up your copy Right here: War of Nytefall: Eradication


Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After spending many years fiddling with his thoughts and notebooks, he decided that it was time to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house with only pizza and seltzer to sustain him, Charles brings you tales from the world of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you and drawing you into a world of magic.

Blog: www.legendsofwindemere.com

Twitter: @cyallowitz

Facebook: Charles Yallowitz
Website: www.charleseyallowitz.com


Filed under Lisa Burton Radio

Saturday efforts

Today, I sent out the first submission of my side project. This one involves Lizzie and the hat in their third adventure. They’re chasing vampires this time in a rodeo/country music type environment. I know I’ve kind of avoided vampires, but believe I can put a different spin on it, and still keep the humor the characters have become known for. I’m chewing my nails to find out what my critique group thinks of it all.

I also sent out the manuscript of Grinders to my formatter. She sent me an invoice, but I’m loath to pay it until tomorrow. She’s already completed the finished product, but I can’t publish until I have my Lisa Burton promotional posters. What would one of my releases be without Lisa?

Speaking of Grinders, several bloggers offered to host a cover reveal for me. I sent all those out, and several have posted already. I’m not reblogging these because they’re all the same. If you find one online somewhere, I would appreciate a tweet or Facebook post. I’m getting some nice comments on these, so I have high hopes about the eventual publication.

I wanted to get something out for Chinese New Year, and the cover reveal is that attempt. I’m a few weeks away from publication.

I’ve been working on a critique for a friend, and am about half-way through the submission. I’ll probably finish it tomorrow. Our rules are to send the feedback to the entire group, and it’s a great way to raise my own game. Sometimes we don’t know everything and a bit of effort like this helps me improve my own fiction.

Then I scheduled my next Story Empire post. This one is a continuation of the Character Archetypes; the Mentor. I hope it will be well received.

I’m off until Tuesday, so I have high hopes for Monday. I don’t quite have enough to send out the next section of Lanternfish, but could have by Monday night. The crew left the magical floating island of Bungo Bungo and are headed for Giapon. This is a stand-in for Japan in my story. This is the country that Serang’s Emperor has been at war with for decades. Maybe I can build some tension with placing her in this environment.

Sunday is the day I call my parents, and spend some time with my family. There are some Sundays when I can read or maybe write a paragraph or two, but I don’t usually push it on Sundays.

Old What’s Her Face and I had a lovely date night at one of our favorite places, Kahoots. They have a great selection on tap right now, so I had a Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout, a nice Scotch Ale, and a Expresso Stout. Aside from that, the prime rib was outstanding.

With all that wonderful beer, that’s why I’ll pay my invoice tomorrow. I’m going to watch an old movie tonight and just chill. Hope you’re all having a good weekend in whatever you’re doing.


Filed under Uncategorized

Big Sale for War of Nytefall

Charles is holding a big sale for the month of October. This is for his fantasy vampire series, so you can see the Halloween theme behind it all. This is a great opportunity to jump onboard.


For the month of October, all three War of Nytefall books will be available for 99 cents each.

I’ll be posting about this once a week and keeping up a pinned Tweet for the entire month, which is really it for promotions.  If anyone wants to host a simple promo post or copy/paste the above then let me know.  I can put some posts together for people, but I really can’t do anything complicated due to time restraints.  We can discuss things in the comments if you want to help.

There’s an ulterior motive here as well, which is why this isn’t working exactly like a big announcement promotion:

If I see enough movement of War of Nytefall with the new price then I will consider dropping all of my books to 99 cents ($2.99 for those Legends of Windemere bundles) for an extended period of time.  So, for all those people who wanted to read my books, but thought $2.99 was too much, this is your chance to sway me into an across the board price drop.  With my job, I can pay my bills, so I’m pushing for exposure on the books instead of royalties.  That means, this is a fairly easy contest for that crowd to win if they convince their friends to join in.

Do I expect there to be a lot of movement?  I have no idea, but October is the best time to promote my vampires.  So, have fun, enjoy the stories, and thank you to anyone who is willing to help spread the word.


Filed under Writing