A Last-Minute Contender

There’s one public commitment. How about the rest of you. Are you ready to hoist the colors and set sail for adventure?

Planetary Defense Command

Last week, I posted a list of 2018 books I’m thinking of reading, looking for something I can nominate as the best book of the year.  I’ve just noticed that a book which I thought had been released in January was actually published on December 31st, 2018.  The book is Voyage of the Lanternfish, by fellow blogger C. S. Boyack.

[Note:  when I tried to search for the book by title at Amazon, the site decided to insert a space between lantern and fish, then told me there was no book with that title.  “Smart” search, guys.  I’m glad you paid all those developers to help me out.  I ultimately had to search for the author’s name, which gave me this book as the top listing.]

lanternfishVoyage of the Lanternfish

I’ve read a couple of blurbs and excerpts on the author’s website, so I’m looking forward to…

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6 responses to “A Last-Minute Contender

  1. Uh-oh. Sounds like Amazon isn’t being very helpful. Off to read the post…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stopping by the other site now.

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  3. Starting tonight. I thought I was going to have time last night, but the evening go away from me. Can’t wait to meet the pirates….and the root monsters!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice!!! It’s great to be a contender – late or early! Best wishes for The Voyage of the Lanternfish!

    Liked by 1 person

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