Tag Archives: coconut oil

Mourning? Not exactly

My Arizona Diamondbacks lost last night. They did so without their frontline staff, but that’s the hand that was dealt after the wildcard game. Gave me a good excuse to polish off a growler of Elysian Nightowl pumpkin beer. One of my favorite ones.

There was a time when I would be upset about something like this, but I just can’t be this year. This isn’t quite a worst to first transformation, but it’s pretty darned close. I remember what they were like last year, and am proud of what they’ve accomplished. I don’t want it to end, but if it does I’m still going to be happy about it.

It was one game. We have more of an ace pitcher tonight and maybe we can leave a mark in this series. It’s best of five, but they really need to win one before the series moves to Phoenix. Arizona can’t win without winning one game in LA. Might as well claim that one tonight.

I spent some minimal time this morning getting one of the interview posts hacked out and mailed off. I also posted a review for a friend. Beyond that, I nailed down some details for a visit Lisa Burton will be making this week, and scheduled Macabre Macaroni. That was it on the productivity front.

We ran our errands today, and I stocked up on four different pints of pumpkin beer. Most of these are from Elysian brewing too and I’ve had them before.

I also fell for a trend today. My daughter told me the hot new thing is coconut oil, and said I need some for my beard. We were at Whole Foods and I picked some up. I’m such a sucker sometimes. Daughters to that to fathers.

I’m checking on the Cubs and Nationals game then I might play a video game for a while. These West Coast games start late so I’ll probably be up all night, you know, unless I drink four big old bombers of beer.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


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