Checking in

By now, my regulars are probably aware that I’m in the midst of a blog tour. For more details, see other posts on this site recently. The Hat is doing well, and the early reviews are all wonderful. There is one review that won’t seem to go through, but the reviewer told me about it and let me read it. I wish it would go through, but that’s likely an Amazon issue.

I’ve been reblogging everything I can find, because it gives a little bit of support to those wonderful folks who support me. You might be asking if it even matters to the bigger bloggers. Does Chris the Storyreading Ape need another follower? You bet he does, and if I can find one for him it makes my day. This goes for everyone, no matter how big or small they are today.

I have a house full of company right now, so I’ve been doing little more than bouncing from site to site and keeping up with comments. I’ve also been scrolling through the Reader to see if something shows up that was unexpected.

My family will leave tomorrow, then I can focus on Lisa Burton Radio posts and some tours I agreed to host for others. I’ll probably be pretty busy with it tomorrow.

The only other thing I’ve managed, other than visiting family, is Pinterest. I never thought I’d be a Pinterest guy, but I’m such a visual person it really works for me. I started a couple of new boards. One is all about cast iron ranges. They used to be more common, but they are kind of rare these days. Many of them are beautiful, so I started a board. One day, if I win the lottery, I’ll build a new house and find a way to put one in as a kind of wood stove, one that can also cook my sourdough bread.

The other one is more interesting on a mental assessment level. I called it The One I May Never Write. This is stuff for a book that might be too controversial to ever write today. It involves deepest Africa in the early 1900s. Because a bit of hunting would be required for that era, it probably wouldn’t go over well with the 2018 mindset. It would not be realistic for a young man of that era to not want to chase something big and dangerous. This is different than harvesting food, or taking on a man eater. Kind of an odd thing about fiction; kill a human and it’s no big deal, kill an animal and people go crazy. As one of my stories, it would include a bit of black magic too. Anyway, here is a link to The One I May Never Write.

The deeper topic is, why did I start this board in the first place? Am I subconsciously preparing to actually write it one day? Am I seeking someone to twist my arm? Why did I write about it here? I really don’t know. Maybe I just like the pretty pictures.


Filed under Uncategorized, Writing

49 responses to “Checking in

  1. Maybe you’re pursuing the idea in case the social atmosphere changes to allow it? I think most authors have those stories they work on without ever writing or publishing them too. Honestly, I’m not sure if the hunting thing would be a problem in a period piece. Hard to tell when the book has a historical sense.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Consider your arm twisted, Craig. If that’s what the time period calls for, then you need to write it that way to be authentic. People write novels about slavery in the 1800s. That doesn’t mean they condone slavery; it’s just accurate for the time period. (And usually the point is to point out how awful it was, anyway.) If it will ease your conscience, write a foreward with a disclaimer. But if it’s a story you’re passionate about, it needs to be told.

    Enjoy your company before they’re gone!

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s a balancing act right now. They’re glued to Blue Planet, so I can be online for a few moments. Did you look at the board?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Not yet. But I will. I’m in the middle of an editing project and shouldn’t even be looking at emails and blogs! Actually, I’m going to go peek at it right now. THEN I’ll get back to editing.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Clearly I haven’t been on Pinterest for a while. You used to be able to click a heart to like something. Wonder when they got rid of that?

        What a great board. I’m picturing Allan Quatermain meets Ernest Hemingway. You need to write that story. The guy with the skull in front of him? The giraffe at sunset? The safari decor? The story is begging to be told.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I really liked the heart thing, because it would train Pinterest to send me stuff I like. It’s not an option any longer.

        There is a lot going for this story including my personal challenge. This one would be a romance. Don’t know if I could pull it off from a male perspective, but it’s a good challenge.

        Liked by 2 people

      • If only you knew a romance writer who could answer your questions or offer suggestions…

        I haven’t been on Pinterest for a while, and I miss the heart. For the reasons you said, and to show support to pinners. Dumb that they got rid of it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I probably know a romance writer, or two, or three…

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  3. I love pretty pictures, but I’m not crazy about Pinterest, or maybe just not into pinning. But I recall I asked you about connecting me to another board you have and then you started talkin about cast iron stoves and in my head, I was all, “CRAIG! THE LINK!” lol so thanks. Imma check you out now.
    Enjoy your family, and a nice quiet Sunday after 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Romance – It might be rather refreshing to romance readers to read the story from the bloke’s perspective. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • If it’s pulled off well. That’s why I call it a challenge. I really need to concentrate on what’s in front of me for a while. You know, “Hey look…The Hat.” Then finish the half written MS before I have this internal debate.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been sharing some of your tour posts, but I’m not sure if you’ll have seen them or not, since I’ve been doing so via the blog/site they’re hosted on.

    I also read and reviewed The Hat. It’s not a long review, but I did anyhow. I know you saw it on Goodreads, but you probably didn’t see that I put it on Amazon UK too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like a lot of balls bouncing around. I wish I could understand Pinterest. Seems like a great place, but how to pin effectively and board has me buffaloed

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  7. Pinterest is growing on me – it’s great for occult stuff as you know of course. I got me a hardback reference of Wiccapedia the other day from one pin – all you need to know about modern practical witchcraft and utterly fascinating! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love Pinterest and had to go take a look at your board. Wow! I see what you mean by the visuals. They outstanding. Perhaps you are being drawn to write about Africa for a reason. And, does it really matter that you stay away from controversial issues? A good story is a good story.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I wouldn’t give up on the Big Game Hunter yet… Maybe your MC learns to question the value of safaris? Or gets some sort of comeuppance? With black magic? Anyway, in the context of a historical novel, I really think you’d be all right with this subject matter.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. D.L Finn, Author

    I am still learning pinterest and not adding to it as I had planned. I will have to go look at your board. I had a a toy cast iron stove when I was a little girl and loved it! I wished I still had it. I had an issue trying to post a review for one book on Amazon. Even contacting Amazon and being assured it was fixed…it never was.That was the only time though, so hopefully it doesn’t happen too much. I am looking forward to reading The Hat:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • My mother had a cast iron stove that was a salesman’s model. Made a perfect toy for a little girl. She still has it. I don’t see tons of promotional value on Pinterest, but for visuals and such it’s been a good resource for me. Hope you enjoy the story.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I bet the one you might never write would make an amazing book. The Pinterest board is awesome.

    It’s weird the things you have to be conscious of. My next two books include plenty of scenes from earlier times, and I’ve found myself stumbling over expressions or customs that won’t fly well today. Do I stay true to the time period or soften the edge?

    I think in the cases where problems cropped up I found work-arounds, but they weren’t my main plot threads.

    I think you should tackle the un-writable one.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. If I ever become an executive at a publishing company (expected start date: never), I’ll buy your Africa story.

    I might be able to recommend some safari-related books if you want to do more background reading.

    Liked by 1 person

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