A Doubt filled weekend


Yesterday involved a bunch of problems, sponsored by WordPress and Apple.

Apple’s iOS had a bug that hit some users, but not others. It forces a symbol replacement for a capital I when you type. I googled how to fix it, and they suggested a kind of macro that tells the computer when you type “I” what you really mean for it to do is type friggin “I”. It didn’t work.

A different website promised a repair was coming soon from Apple, so I checked. The update was already available, and fixed everything.

The second issue came from WordPress. It seems they’ve driven away all the decent blogging apps, and I’ve been using the actual WordPress app. One of the good things about it was the way it handled pictures. That all changed.

I used to be able to size, move, and tag photos. Today that’s all limited. For instance, if I tell it to move the raven to the left, that’s no problem. However; now it will no longer allow me to type beside it. The image insists upon taking up the entire area. That’s why the photo is centered above on today’s post.

I used to have two options for tagging images, but today I only have one. I can schedule the post, then edit it inside WordPress, but it worked well two days ago.

The other thing it’s doing now is randomly changing the pitch of my type. All is well if I just keep going, but if I go back to make a correction, all the future words want to be in some kind of micro-text. I have to delete my last good letter, then retype from there to get it right.

None of the WordPress issues are major, but it worked fine a couple of days ago. They need to address this, and while they’re at it,would it be too much to ask if I wanted to actually center some text, and change the pitch of my letters inside the app? As an example, I will add a section break below this paragraph. I will have to left justify it, post it, then edit it inside the WordPress Admin function to make it look right.


I went to the writing cabin around nine o’clock this morning. I spent yesterday working through The Hat and some suggestions I received. It really is looking good right now.

I plucked the hat from my desk and dropped him on my head. He was configured as a grey fedora, his preferred look. I opened the window, and gestured outside to Doubt, the raven. “I don’t think we need you for this one.”

It was an odd feeling. I have doubts about all my stories, but this time I feel great about one.

The hat said, “Go catch mice or something. Craig and I got this covered.”

Doubt glared at us like we brought his daughter home late.

“Go on, buddy. We don’t need you. In fact, Craig and I are ready to publish,” the hat said.

“Well, not exactly. Lisa is still with Sean Harrington, and we need her promotional posters. We may not have those until the end of the year.”

“So, what are we supposed to work on today?”

“I received feedback on The Yak Guy Project from a dear friend. I thought we might work our way through that.”

“What’s that got to do with the old hat?”

“Nothing really. I thought you might like to read over my shoulder. Lisa isn’t here, and maybe you have some suggestions.”

“You’re probably smart to come to me. Besides, I wasn’t doin’ anything anyway.”

I turned on my computer, and sat up an iPad beside it for the redline copy of my book.

“So, that Internet has the corrections, and the other Internet has the actual book? Is that the deal?” The hat asked.

“They’re two different devices, but they work on the Internet.”

“That’s what I said.”

“It’s, well it’s like… Yeah, we can check the suggestions on one, and make any changes on the other one.”

“Sounds like a good plan.”

I scrolled down the redline to the first suggestion.

“Slow down. Still reading here,” the hat said.

“Sorry.” I pondered the first suggestion and looked across the room.

Doubt lowered his head into what I call his classic vulture pose. “Kaaaaw, ha, ha, ha.”

“Oh, shit! Why couldn’t you just leave while I felt good about The Hat”


“Hey, Yak Guy is kind of a dork. I gotta tell you, Lizzie has her shit together a lot more than this guy,” the hat said.

“Yeah, they’re different stories. In The Hat, Lizzie is supposed to be a go-getter who needs a bit of direction–”

“Your’s truly.”

“Exactly. Yak Guy needs a major overhaul in his life. Where you are more of Lizzie’s partner, Yak Guy needs a mentor.”

“Man I feel sorry for that guy.”

“He’s a yak.”

“How can a yak be a mentor?”

“How can a hat be a partner?”

“Touché. I’ll just go with it.”

“Thank you.”


Between the evil glances and croaking of Doubt, and trying to explain everything to the hat, it was a long day. The book, The Hat, is nearly ready to go. I’m expecting to hear from one more reader, and need some artwork.

The Yak Guy Project keeps waffling from deleting it entirely, making it into a trunk novel, self publishing it, or submitting it to an actual publisher. I kind of need to narrow the distance between those bookends somehow. This weekend is in the books, so I don’t have to decide anything today. I need to get on with it though.

How about some covers. Everyone loves covers, right?


Filed under Muse

30 responses to “A Doubt filled weekend

  1. Damned Raven. I like both covers.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ali Isaac

    Love the covers, Craig, just not so sure about the font you used, for what its worth. Btw I’m no expert, as you know, just an opinion… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The WordPress app reader keeps me from reading tons of posts. Overnight it will only download 4 hrs or if I am not clicking on it every couple of hours during the day I will miss chunks of posts too and NOW the reader doesn’t function well on my Safari or google mobile apps, constantly returning to the top of the reader each time I click on a post to read it. This has been going on for a couple of weeks and I am pretty much done. I don’t have time for this.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Great covers. Didn’t expect Yak Guy to look like that, but it looks cool. With you on images and WordPress app. I’ve given up and do it in Safari or wait until I reach a desktop/laptop. This for the phone though. I assume you’re talking iPad.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Great covers, Craig. Sorry about your tech issues. Hope they’re fixed soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. That is some serious trim on the Yak Guy’s ‘stache. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. WP seems to be hellbent on fixing what aint broken… love your expression ‘improve it to death!’

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ugh. WordPress just can’t seem to leave things alone. On the iPhone front, I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t encounter the error. For a while, I had no idea what all the outrage was about.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nothing gets my blood pressure up faster than tech problems. Love the covers – especially the red wine in the background on The Hat. Make sure it’s a good cabernet.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ve been dealing with ongoing tech problems for 2 weeks on the day job. Thank heavens, I didn’t have them on the WP end too or with my iPhone. I don’t think I could handle any more tech issues!

    Congrats on both covers and the upcoming release of The Hat. I know you’re up in the air about what to do regarding Yak Guy, but you’ve waited this long–you have time!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I wish WP wouldn’t keep moving the goalposts.
    Loving the covers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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