News and vignette

I got up late today and procrastinated with various forms of social media. I always flip through them before starting a writing day, but I lingered long enough to know I was goofing off. I still managed about 2800 words of The Yak Guy Project.

Yak Guy is the one where I’m trying to use the Major Arcana of the tarot as my story structure. I’ve had to meld some characters, and take a few out of order. Several things go on at once, and it doesn’t make sense to take them one at a time. For instance, the Empress character is also one of The Lovers. This overlaps the training of the Heirophont. I already had some of The Lovers, so I kind of moved faster on this section. It’s time for Strength, The Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune. I may take some of these out of order, because it makes more sense to my story. I kind of want The Hanged Man before the Wheel. Right now I need to dwell on it some.

In other news, I woke up with a character and setting again. I don’t particularly want to dwell on her for weeks, and sometimes writing a vignette will get them out of my head. Here goes nothing, and remember I’m free writing this one:

Barbi Baronski awoke with a ringing in her ears. It was dark and dusty, and every muscle in her body ached. She stretched and her hands touched concrete overhead.

She’d driven into the city to model a new line of fitness wear, but couldn’t remember if she was going to the shoot or driving home. Daylight was visible if she looked along the ground above her head. She tried to rollover and crawl, but it was too tight in here. She slid along on her back using a kind of frog kick with her legs.

The ringing faded a bit, and Siri’s voice asked, “What can I help you with? What can I help you… What can I… What?, What?, What?…” Barbi kept sliding. Her back became a slow motion road rash of cuts and dirt.

Fresh air seemed like a wonderful thought, but it was dust, smoke, and grime. The sky above was brilliant blue, but there were no contrails, birds, or even trees. She pulled herself out of the rubble and sat upright.

The remains of her tattered top fell on her lap. Her $200 jeans were mostly threads, but clung together by some miracle. The entire world was silent except for the ringing in her ears. She covered herself with her right arm and stood up tentatively. There was nobody around. The place looked like a gravel pit, except for a twisted streetlight that snaked through the rubble.

She always drove home on 76, and thought she recognized some of its outline. Thank God her trainers survived. She walked for miles through the rubble. Pieces of automobiles dotted the landscape, and tiny bits of building foundations started appearing. The farther she walked, the more the rubble started to look like something. She stopped covering herself, because nobody was around at all.

By mid afternoon, her stomach reminded her that she was starving. She spotted a few walls and veered off her path to investigate. It turned out to be a family restaurant of some kind. A shard of mirror showed her that nearly six inches of her brunette hair had been singed away. A copper pipe produced a small blue flame at the end. The gas lines were still on out here.

She dug through the rubble and found a single can of refried beans, a tiny frying pan, and a bent chef’s knife. She used the heel of the knife to chop the can open enough to get it in the pan, then held it over the open flame until it smelled edible.

She kicked through the rubble and turned over a small table. A piece of concrete served as a chair. She managed to bend the tines of an old fork into a relatively useful position and ate in silence. Hardly health food, but it was food and that’s all that mattered now.

Across from her on a piece of remaining wall were three huge frames. Two were missing everything, but the third one appeared to be the dinner menu. It read:

  • Meatloaf $6
  • Prime Rib $13
  • Rack of Ribs $11
  • Sides…

The rest was torn away and it appeared to be cloth of some kind. Threads dangled in the breeze. She finished her beans, and used the bent knife to cut away most of her fancy jeans. $200 custom cutoffs? She split the pants legs and used some electrical wire to make them into a purse of sorts. She placed the pan and the old fork inside.


A rock smashed the remaining glass from the menu and she removed the cloth, cut a hole for her head and used more wire to stitch the sides closed. She looked down at her new shirt which now read:





Barbi tucked the bent knife into her belt and headed into the setting sun. Home was important, but if it wasn’t there any longer, she would head west until she found a new place to call home.



I have no idea what caused the disaster, aliens, war, the refried bean festival. I also have no intention of finishing Barbi’s story, but something may come to me in the future. These vignettes are a way of retiring some of the ideas I get. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I have to revisit them even years later.

There was more too it, like a dried up river, and talking to a snake. The snake represented an ancient survivor, and Barbi drew a parallel to herself as a survivor. I figured the post was long enough, and maybe Barbi could go on her adventure without me.

How about it you writers? Do you ever wake up having been visited by the muse? Do you make notes, forget about it, start another project? I can’t write all of mine. Barbi could be a good character, she’s obviously strong. Maybe she can be a side character one day, or maybe her story will come to me later.

It appears my muse is getting back into shape. Back to the paycheck job tomorrow.


Filed under Short Stories & Vignettes, Writing

27 responses to “News and vignette

  1. I really wanted to continue with her. Well…maybe some day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cool story and it kind of works as is. Could still be expanded, but it has a lot of mystery. Never really woke up with an idea. The dreams tend to be a mishmash of things. Barely remember them after an hour of consciousness.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I keep notes on my iPhone. Night time or driving is when all of the ideas come…. Loved the prime rack tshirt. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like the vignette. I generally find they set moods and let us explore our characters in different lights. Barbi’s resourceful and practical, and definitely strong. She piques my interest.
    I don’t get a muse, I get pictures sometimes, mostly I just get words.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved Barbi, but still trying to get my head around you writing a book using the Tarot. Interesting concept though…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lorelei is definitely getting back in shape.That was a great vignette. I like the way you use these short pieces to give characters and ideas an outlet. I normally just jot notes and tuck them away for the future. I’m going to have to try your method of sometime. Barbi good definitely carry her own story.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What jumped out at me is that wreckage is everywhere but there are no bodies. To me that suggests more of a mass abduction. I do enjoy her character. Very practical.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hard to tell without actually turning it into a novel. Maybe the military extracted everyone and gathered bodies. It was my way of parking her somewhere so I could concentrate on other issues. It helps sometimes to give them a page.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Barbi could easily carry her own story. I’m interested in where you’ll go from here, if you do. When I have a character stuck in my head, I usually write a flash piece. Especially if their voice is strong. Actually, that’s where I got Mr. Mayhem for Blessed Mayhem. He wouldn’t stop pestering me after I wrote a flash piece for him. Most, though, leave me alone after I give them some scene time.

    Liked by 1 person

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