Check out Guns of Perdition

Let’s welcome Jessica Bakkers this morning. She’s released a new novel, and it sounds like a fun one. I have this one on my list, and might even be reading it by the time this goes live. Here is that all important PURCHASE LINK


Jessie expects he’ll be forever cleaning up after the cowpokes of the Bad Hoss Saloon. That’s until the day a drifter strides through the doors, and blows away a blood-sucking demon, along with Jessie’s belief in an everyday world. Jessie is captivated by the enigmatic Grace with her pearl-handled revolvers and wolf companion. He throws in his normal life and follows her across the Wild West, as she hunts down and slays the evil creatures that roam the frontier.

Along the way, they seek the aid of a Native American warrior, cross paths with a Cajun Queen, and encounter a small-town tycoon with a deadly hunger for gold. Animosity and distrust plague Grace and Jessie, and their strange group of allies, but they must put their differences behind them if they’re to have any hope of finding and defeating the frontier’s true evil, the Darksome Gunman.

The Armageddon Showdown is a dark-fantasy, weird western series of epic proportions, focusing on the age-old battle between good and evil, though in the Wild West, it’s not always clear just who is good and who is evil.

Join the Grace Dyer and her band of miscreants as they battle demons and demi-gods, in the frontier’s deadliest conflict…the Armageddon Showdown.


The shots from Grace’s equalizers jolted Jessie from his fugue state, and he swung up into the saddle as the horde seethed down the road. They ran in an ungainly, down-on-all-fours fashion that lent them speed and agility. The one in the lead was only a few steps behind Grace when it let loose an inhuman roar. Its legs bunched and it leaped through the air. Grace dropped and rolled to the side. As she came out of her somersault, she swung the cavalry saber and sheared the thing’s head from its neck. The head bounced down the road toward Jessie, its tongue flicking in and out of its mouth like a rattler’s. The move had saved Grace’s life, but now she’d lost all momentum and Crowbait was still four strides away.

A savage roar caught Jessie’s attention, and he spun in time to see Kaga leap into the fray. His snapping teeth and powerful body took out three of the creatures in one fell swoop. Grace lunged and skewered another on the end of her saber. Jessie saw long golden plaits attached to this one’s scalp, and his stomach turned as he finally realized these ghoulish monstrosities were the unfortunate townsfolk of Sandycrag Creek. The Colt, which had been on its way to aim and fire, now hung heavy in his hand. It was one thing to fire on something inhuman like the chupacabras, but it was something entirely different to fire on people.

Paul danced to the side and Jessie forgot his battle with morality as he tried to keep the horse under control. Two of the swarm broke off and jerked toward him, attracted by Paul’s movements. Paul reared and kicked one of them. The ghoul’s skull cracked, and it flew backward. Jessie hugged Paul’s neck as Paul bucked and kicked. The second ghoul hissed at the nag and darted around the deadly hooves. It lunged at Jessie, who jerked sideways to avoid being clawed. The ghoul hissed again and tensed. Jessie screamed and raised the Colt. The butt slipped from his sweaty palm and flew away. Paul reared and Jessie lost his grip. He slammed hard onto the ground. The air whooshed out of him as he lay stunned, staring up at the darkening sky, his ears filled with snarls and screams. Searing pain banded around his chest as he struggled to breathe. The ghoul’s decaying face appeared, and Jessie stared up in horror as its white eyes fixed on him and its trembling lips parted.


I am a creative writer with over twenty years of writing experience. I am a speculative fiction writer, and have written in the genres of fantasy-romance and paranormal-romance, however my genre of choice when it comes to writing for myself is dark fantasy where I can allow myself to fully explore the anti-hero characters that pepper my stories. I dabble at poetry and have written professionally for clients locally and internationally.

My debut novel, Guns of Perdition, The Armageddon Showdown Book 1, is a dark fantasy, weird western adventure through a twisted Wild West.

My major love affair is with the written word, specifically creative writing. I allow myself to indulge and rendezvous with this secret lover whenever time allows…and then we make beautiful poetry together!

Guns of Perdition – The Armageddon Showdown Book 1 is now available for purchase.


Amazon – Author Page

Goodreads – Author page

Website –

Facebook – The Written Word

Twitter – @JessicaBakkers



Please consider sharing Jessica’s post far and wide across your social media. It really helps an author out. Make her feel welcome in the comments section, too.


Filed under Writing

42 responses to “Check out Guns of Perdition

  1. This looks like a fun read. Thanks for showcasing Jessica and her books today, Craig.
    Best of luck to Jessica with everything 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks so much for the promotion, Craig! It’s been the biggest learning curve of my life, writing this book, but all worth it to see it finished and published. Thanks again for having me here, and I hope you enjoy it 🤗❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Jessica Bakkers and commented:
    I’m hosted over at Craig’s blog – Entertaining Stories. Head on over and check out Craig’s blog; he’s such a creative, cool guy, and an immense support to other writers 😁

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I have just a few pages left of Bakkers’ exciting book. Really enjoyed it.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Congratulations on the new release, Jessica!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Shared on Twitter and FB. I know how much Jessica poured into this book, and I’m so happy for her to have her first novel released. Wishing her all the best.

    Thanks for hosting, Craig.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I am so happy for Jess that she has released Guns of Perdition, her debut novel. This is already on my Kindle and my TBR. And wow, that cover is so freaking awesome. I am sure I’m going to love this!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Have this one waiting on my Kindle – congrats, Jessica!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Fun excerpt! And a great combo of genres. Good luck with this!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. D.L. Finn, Author

    This is floating at the top of my TBR list. Can’t wait to read it.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Sounds like a good one!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. It’s great to see Jess getting some press, Craig. This is a fun and gruesome read!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Hi, Craig! Jessica’s book reads fascinating! I’m very intrigued. Thanks for hosting❣️

    Liked by 1 person

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