Something about plans

I never had much of a plan for the weekend. One of the items was to maybe do a bit of writing today. Last night, I learned that my wife is off from today through Monday. I have to go back to work on Monday, but that kind of erases any quality writing time in one fell swoop.

We had to bathe the dogs last weekend, and that always requires a special effort where Frankie’s tail is involved. We made sure to dry it multiple times that day, and a couple of times per day afterward. She got a tail infection anyway.

The vet gave us some power to use when this happens. We managed a couple of doses and she seemed to feel better. However, I have bloody scrapes on my legs from trying to hold her so my wife could apply the dust. (Bulldogs are strong.) We were then faced with Thursday afternoon.

She wanted to play ball, but just wasn’t herself. We decided to get her an appointment this morning. Part of this is because things always seem to go sour in the middle of the night on Sunday, when nobody is available.

Old What’s Her Face took the dogs to Dutch Bros. for coffee. They love this, because they get a treat. When she got home she said, “Get their harnesses on. I’ll take a quick shower, then we’ll go.”

No problem. I got them suited up, but things seemed to be taking too long. I found my wife in the shower, in tears. Her back went out again, and she could barely walk. We’re both subject to this lately, and I feel for her. The decision was for me to take Frankie to her appointment.

Otto was really disappointed, because he didn’t get to go. I can’t handle both of them by myself. After 20 miles of rush-hour traffic, I wound up being ten minutes late. The infection is there, but it isn’t too bad. A pain med, some big old horse pills for an antibiotic, plus instructions to keep using the powder, and we headed back home.

I called my wife, and she made it to the couch after some pills we both rely upon.

One of the things we had planned is to go to the fair tomorrow. She was supposed to go out with a co-worker this afternoon, but had to cancel with this lady. (Might have made for some writing hours.) This deal is payback for something nice the coworker did for my wife. Now it sounds like they might go to the fair tomorrow if my wife can walk. It’s a payback, and I appreciate the need to take care of it.

However, I was looking forward to the fair. It’s been on my radar for a month. Now I’m without productive time, have a dog to keep medicated, and no plans for anything.

I have a blog post to schedule for a friend, so I’ll probably do that if they go to the fair.

If nothing else there are storyboards. I added some notes to a future story today, and it helped solve a plot issue. It’s way out in the future, but it’s a nice step.

Not much else to report. I had three days, but plans aren’t worth making at this point. I’ll take it as it comes. Might write some promotional posts, might not. May rent a movie or something.


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47 responses to “Something about plans

  1. I hope Frankie is okay. I hope your wife feels well enough to go out tomorrow. There will be more writing days. (maybe)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I hope she feels better soon. Back troubles are awful. Feel bad for poor Frankie, too.

    Seems many of us are losing the plan-making battle. Sorry about the fair. Maybe you’ll manage to get something done. Fingers crossed for all of you.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good luck with everything. I guess you have to make plans, then plan to change them.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. When it rains… Back pain is so debilitating. I hope your wife’s better tomorrow. Sorry you have to miss out on the fair, though. Hope Frankie’s better, too.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hope things are on the mend
    You know what they say, if you want to hear God chuckle, tell him what you plan to do tomorrow 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It sounds like things really got turned upside down. I hope your wife and Frankie are both dong better by tomorrow. I frequently have problems with my back so I know how debilitating that can be.

    Raven had a vet trip today, too. Just a wellness check plus rabies and distemper shots, but it was an experience for both of us given she was traumatized.

    A fair sounds like fun. I hope you can still work it into your plans,

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Sorry to hear about all that. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Well, darn it, Craig. Seems like you can’t get ahead for writing time. (Kind of like my Saturday last week.) Hope your wife is better soon and that Frankie’s issues are minimal.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I hope Frankie is doing well and that your wife would feel better tomorrow. The fair, the writing, hope they all fit in and carried out, Craig.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Phyllis Boyack

    Wow! Hope Brenda gets her back in shape soon, I know how that feels and so do you! Sounds like Frankie will be better soon and I hope you get to go to some of the fair. Love, Mom

    On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 12:29 PM Entertaining Stories wrote:

    > coldhandboyack posted: “I never had much of a plan for the weekend. One of > the items was to maybe do a bit of writing today. Last night, I learned > that my wife is off from today through Monday. I have to go back to work on > Monday, but that kind of erases any quality writing time” >


  11. I have a life similar to yours. My wife has a hard time walking at times so I have to help her and keep the house going. Our cat has diabetes and I worry a lot about his medical issues. My wife and I work together on giving him pills, and I give him insulin injections.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Just when you think things are going along swimmingly … ‘get well’ wishes for them both. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Fate really loves the dramatic snowball effect, hope the sun comes out for all of you, and soon…

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I get scratched up with my two sometimes too, and they’re just little dogs (a Westie and a Cavapoo) plus one of them actually loves baths. So I can imagine how scratched up you must end up by the time baths are done.

    Hope your wife’s back and Frankie’s tail infection improve quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hope they all feel better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Oh my goodness, Craig! What the heck is going on with everyone? So many injuries, migraines and other illnesses all of a sudden. Something is out of sync! I do hope your wife is much better by now! And the dog too!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I hope you get some writing done. I appreciated your understanding and empathy for your wife.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I hope both Frankie and your wife are okay.
    I know when I hurt my back I was down for two weeks.
    Your writing plans will take care of themselves.
    Did you make it to the fair?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Very sorry about her back. I am sure she’s better now.
    What’s up with tail infections? Sounds rough for everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Poor Frankie and your wife! My dad has suffered with back problems for years, and he can be down for days after an injury. Hope things are on the upswing.

    Liked by 1 person

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