A new venue for authors

As authors, we are always looking for new ways to reach our readers. I was contacted by these two lovely ladies, through friends made on Lisa Burton Radio, to promote their startup on YouTube. Check out what they have to offer, and there are some pretty decent prizes available here too.

CraftQuest 2018 Launch

Co-Founders: Maria Tureaud & Ari Augustine

Motto: We are warriors of the written word.

This month, Maria Tureaud and I are launching CraftQuest, a LIVE YouTube webinar series for serious writers. We wanted to create the equivalent of The View for seriously determined writers willing to transform their failures into successes and want to “get shit done”.

Each month, CraftQuest will host between five to ten writers to chat about their unique writing lives, creative processes, and lessons learn from rejections. We will share tips, perform open critiques, and collaborate with other humans who want to improve their works in progress.

At its heart, CraftQuest is mostly about making connections with writers who understand how terrifyingly maddening writing can be and recognize the value and beauty each writer brings to the table as a literary artist.

We will pull the curtain back to reveal what it really takes to write a book.From the pre-research stage to the querying phase, we delve into our fears, lay bare our failures, discuss our projects, and shed light on the realities of writing life. CraftQuest is a place for us to use our bruises, cuts, and scrapes as weapons of motivation, and to address the flaws of our work in a constructive manner.

At CraftQuest, we are a “revolution of writers.” We share our passion, hunger, and drive to create the best versions of our work for publishing. We believe that together we are empowered to create fearlessly, encouraged to write authentically, and embraced for the uniqueness we bring to the publishing industry.

Episode one: The Art Of Making It All Up airs February 24th, 2018 at 5:00 pm EST.  Our guest speakers include: Vivien Reis, author/writertuber, and Justine Manzano and Megan Manzano from The Inkwell Council.

To kick off our launch, Maria is giving away three first pages critiques. I’ll be giving away one FREE download of Scrivener in February, March, and April. All entrants into the giveaways must be followers of our CraftQuest YouTube channel and our Twitter profile.

Maria Tureaud bio: 

Maria is one half Tolkien, one half Captain Kirk. She began writing fan fiction in high school, and hasn’t looked back since. With a passion for history, fantasy, romance, and sci-fi, she likes her heroes tough, and her heroines tougher. Blogger, Tweeter, and Writetuber, Maria is a co-founder of CraftQuest — writers helping writers. With a penchant for query writing, she strives to break down the doors, change the conversation, and hammer home the truth: a writer’s craft level determines their level of success. They are their own gatekeepers.


Ari Augustine bio:

Ari Augustine is an ENFP Type A personality who works as a freelance writer in Seattle, Washington. As a wearer of many hats, she graduated in 2017 with a degree in Science and is actively pursuing an English Literature degree alongside a certification in editing. In her spare time, Ari created Ravenous for Reads, a blog dedicated to the lifestyle of book lovers, and in 2018, she became co-founder of CraftQuest, a webinar series created to discuss the turbulent nature of writing. After growing up in foster care and struggling with Anxiety, she believes in taking risks and passionately diving into the art of writing. After all, life is too damn short to be doing anything, but the one thing that brings you happiness.

Social media links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/writecraftquest

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZMncuN-YLU-vsTySyQuBYA

Maria’s twitter – https://twitter.com/Maria_Tureaud

Ari’s twitter –  https://twitter.com/SouffleLumiere

Ari’s blog: http://www.ravenousforreads.com


Filed under Writing

24 responses to “A new venue for authors

  1. This will be a Godsend for writers everywhere… wishing them all the luck in the world!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Looks really cool. Thanks and I hope to get the Press button to work and share. *goes back to smacking computer*

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: A New Venue For Authors | Legends of Windemere

  4. Hi everyone! We’ll be doing a Q&A toward the end of EP 1. If you have any questions you’d like to ask about writing, tweet us your q’s @writecraftquest and we’ll answer them on Saturday! We hope to see you there 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: A new venue for authors | Jan Hawke INKorporated

  6. Thanks for the heads up, Craig 😀 Have flashed this around as it sounds really exciting being in on the start of a new community ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This sounds like an excellent resource and a fun project to get involved in. Thanks for sharing! Good luck to Maria and Ari. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Good tool from the looks of it! Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. It sounds like a venture many writers will find usual. Best wishes to Maria and Ari with the launch.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Sounds wonderful. I’ll have to tune in.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: Writing Links 2/26/18 – Where Genres Collide

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