Checking in

I'm here at the Best Western in Moscow, Idaho. A rather concrete looking motel, if I do say so. Still, my presentation takes place here tomorrow, so that's handy.

I left at about 5:30 this morning and made good time. The Payette River canyon was pretty lonely, which almost never happens. It was early, and wednesday, so that helps. Saw a coyote and two herds of whitetail deer along my route.

Dinner amounted to a sandwich and a platter of Gorgonzola fries. The fries were wonderful. They also have one of my favorite beers called Irish Death. I managed a couple of those.

Getting here early was kind of a bonus. I downloaded a book of my own choosing, and started reading it. This is a singularly rare event. It's been three years since I chose a book to read.

My reading is usually related to my obligations with the Rave Reviews Book Club, or something one of my friends has going on. I do a lot of advance reading, beta reading, and simply supporting friends. I've read some awesome books this way, but there's just something about choosing a book I want to read.

To give you an example, one of my friends has released three books already this year. I simply can't get to them all and continue writing. I have another friends' book in the queue, and I really am excited about this next one.

My current book is an old one, and it does a few annoying things, but I'm enjoying it. I have to remind myself that it's an older style, and I may even finish it tonight.

Tomorrow, I'll make my presentation at mid-day, then drive home. I don't have to return to the office until Monday, so I might get a chance to start writing my next project.

Tonight, I'm going to leave the television off, and curl back up with Dr. Syn, the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh.


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26 responses to “Checking in

  1. Good to hear it was a safe trip and good luck on the presentation. What does that beer taste like?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for checking in. Safe trip home.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Turning off the television is always a healthy move. Cheers to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Irish Death. My kind of drink.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I envy your stamina, if that’s the right word, for reading. These days I can only manage a few chapters before sleep takes me…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Glad you had a safe trip!
    And I know what you mean about reading. I always mix up my reads, with at least every third one being something completely unrelated to authors I know or RRBC. Even then I still have a huge back list to catch up with!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Unfortunately, I have to use time that could be spent writing when I read. That’s why I always seem to take a back seat to project reading. I have some time off coming next week, so that might help in the catch-up department.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Glad you had a safe trip, and were able to do some reading just for own pleasure.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Gorgonzola fries sound amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Three years?! At least you still get to read for pleasure. I bet the library misses your face, lol!
    I hope the time in concrete hotel is a good reading one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. carmens007

    Oh, Moscow, Idaho!
    Well, for a moment I thought you tarveled to Russia. You said you were going to Moscow in a previous post. Now it’s clear where you are.

    Regarding reading, I don’t know what to say. I never like to read from any kind of obligation. I read because I WANT to read certain books from certain authors. I regretted not being a member in that club – I simply can’t – but now I realize, no matter what advantages I wouldn’t like this aspect.

    Wishing you speed in reading all you MUST and then get time to read what you LIKE!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I think I know that exact hotel. MisCon science fiction conventions used to be held there.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. paulandruss

    Dr Syn alias the Scarecrow was one of my favourite films as a kid… especially as it starred Patrick McGoohan of Dangerman and the Prisoner fame. Thanks for the timely reminder

    Liked by 1 person

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