A post of opportunity

When I sent out all of my blog tour posts, I never gave anyone specific dates to post them. I figured I’d be happy that anyone volunteered to host me at all. I think it’s a respectful way of borrowing other folks’ blog space.

It puts me in the position of watching my WordPress Reader so I can support those posts when they do go up. I knew this would be the case, this isn’t my first blog tour. I haven’t seen a new one today, so I’m checking in. If one goes up this evening, I’ll post right over the top of this post with no remorse at all.

Sales are doing well so far. I never did get close to the top 100 list again, but each review bumps the standings higher. I’ve watched these things for years, and a cluster of sales will do it, as will a couple of reviews in rapid succession. Shy of asking everyone to do something at a specific time, I’m at the mercy of the Fates. This feels right to me. Hitting a top 100 list is nice, but in the long run it doesn’t accomplish much. It’s like collecting a badge in a video game; makes you happy for a while and that’s about it. Staying there for a length of time is another matter.

The odd thing is that both of my Experimental Notebooks have started selling again. They are doing pretty well too. I’m not promoting them at all, only The Enhanced League. Could people be following Enhanced League to my author page, then getting a glimpse of those awesome covers and changing direction? I’m not complaining at all, I just find it interesting.

We’ve had some nice comment threads on a few of the tour posts, and I invite you to join in. I enjoy talking (writing) with everyone. The tour should wrap up by next weekend or shortly thereafter.

The air conditioner broke down on Wednesday. This created a huge panic at our house, because we’ve already had one heat stroke disaster and don’t want another one. We got the bulldogs through with wet bandanas, the ceiling fan, and their wading pool. I had an odd flex day this week and was able to be home for the repair man. All is well now, and it was under warranty.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Try to stay cool, maybe dig between the seat cushions and find 99 cents and check out The Enhanced League. It’s okay if you get distracted and wind up with an Experimental Notebook instead. What? Oh, just click that cover picture in my sidebar. Thanks.


Filed under Writing

47 responses to “A post of opportunity

  1. It worked differently for me. I went to go get the Enhanced League, and ended up buying the Experimental Notebook as well. I’m hoping to read all three of them soon, but I’m not making any promises as to exactly when “soon” will be. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks though.

    I’m glad your air conditioning not working for a while didn’t cause any problems. How’s Otto doing with the pain thing?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wanted a verified purchase on my review. I didn’t get confused and went straight for the one click. I still have Panama on my TBR too.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Well, I told you my Enhanced League purchasing oopsie. Hope you stay cool and the the sales keep coming. Do the reviews still effect the rankings that much? It became unclear after awhile.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. N. N. Light

    Hey Craig, been in the writing/editing/revising cave for awhile and just realized you published a new book and dealing with baseball. I just bought it and will post a review when I can get myself unburied from my to-do mountain. Do you need a promo spot? If so, let me know. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve got it on my TBR pile too, think there was an update today, I saw. I’ll get your blog post up next week, I’m still figuring the day. I know you said not Thurs. so I’ll try another day. Glad the doggies are well. It’s been SO hot and muggy. I’ve been dealing with bee nests for weeks now. Ergh, hope they’re no more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just got an email that someone posted. I’m about to head over there and share it everywhere. We usually get wasps, but this year the ants are out of control. We aren’t spraying enything because of the puppy.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think it makes sense that your getting sales off of other books. Market those too and put the newest one in them with a preview.

    Good to hear you got the dogs through the heat! Mine are shedding something fierce – they were just brushed outside and there are tumbleweeds of fur rolling around in each breeze!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I think the part where The Experimental Notebook(s) pick up is because people like me like that varied component. Well, I’m biased, I love that collection, as I love most short stories. Little bits of entertainment.
    Whereas, you know, sports, meh. And I know it’s more than that in terms of storyline, but people do judge based on covers, and The Experimental Notebook has a cover like, “Hmm…what’s this?” But again, I’m partial.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nice post, Craig. I did see a promotional post which must have gone out after this one. You are an inspiration [and a good teacher!]

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That book club idea was a good one, the brain is ticking it over…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Glad to hear you’re seeing some good action on your sales dashboard, Craig – here’s to many more hits 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi, Craig. I was going to shoot you an email today and let know my plan is to put your blog post up Monday. I’ll send you the link when it is live. Best of luck. I’ve been following the tour!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Glad you got the A/C thing worked out and were able to keep Otto and Frankie cool in the interim.

    I’ve been mostly offline since Thursday evening for various reasons and am playing catch-up (as usual). I’ve noticed that, for the most part, whenever I have a new release my older titles seem to pick up sales as well. I’m glad to hear that’s happening for you. And at .99c The Enhanced League should be scooped up by many. It’s a gem!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Writing Links 7/17/17 – Where Genres Collide

  14. Glad the A/C is fixed and Otto is improving. Have The Enhanced League in my TBR and will try to have a review up soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Dunno about everyone else but after I bought Enhanced League, Amazon recommended your Experimental Notebooks!

    Liked by 1 person

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