A day of errands

I got up fairly early today with good intentions of working on my novel. Otto made sure everyone else got up too. Novel writing ended before it began.

This is one of the saving graces of having a short fiction project. It may sound funny, but it doesn't require the same level of concentration. There is no three act structure or large sweeping plot to keep track of. My short fiction has an underlying theme, and it has a timeline to follow, but it's so loose a few distractions don't ruin my ability to forge ahead.

I made a pass through a mostly finished story, repaired a few things and brought it to an ending. Then I wrote the micro-fiction about the fall out. I really like the recurring characters on the news broadcast, and they did a great job on this one.

After that the errands began in earnest. The plan was to get the replacement chair for the one Otto devoured. We'd use my wife's car, because it sleeted all day today. The new chair could stay warm and dry inside her SUV. Then we'd retrieve my truck, wash off the bird assault, and buy a Christmas tree.

The reality was that we got the chair, stopped at Whole Foods for some small items, (and a couple of good beers,) then picked out a tree on the way home. My wife didn't want to tie it to the roof of her car, but she didn't want to make a return trip to town even worse. The boys at the lot did a great job tying it down. My truck still looks like a victim of a certain Hitchcock movie.

So the chair is installed, the tree is here, and we'll assemble it tomorrow. She had to go to a work event tonight, so it's just Otto and me.

I used the opportunity to move ahead on a book I've been reading. I still have a ways to go, but it's been a fun read so far. My eyes are giving out now, and I might turn on the television or some music for the rest of the night.

Hope you all had a great Saturday, or are enjoying your Saturday night. I see a Frank Miller film is on later, and I've never seen this one. I used some of his style when I concocted The Playground. If I watch that, I can count it as research, right?


Filed under Uncategorized, Writing

30 responses to “A day of errands

  1. I think you can definitely call it research. Enjoy your evening with Otto!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Which Frank Miller film? Sounds like you got a little done though. Hope you get your truck in-Hitchcocked soon. My car is in the same boat and I just gave up the fight.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. When you’re a writer, everything is research! đŸ˜‰

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Is there such a thing as ‘reversed research?’ If there isn’t, maybe there should be…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes!!! I count my Discovery ID true crime shows as research.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. A well-organized day, then. đŸ˜›

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Yes, it’s research. So is beer drinking if you write it into a story. So is…. well, let’s stop here.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Sometimes errand days are good to have, especially once they’re done đŸ™‚ I hear there’s supposed to be a whole lot of snow coming your way soon, so I guess it’s good to get things done before it arrives. Enjoy the rest of the weekend x

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Also, I think I need to write a novel about Italy. Or the Caribbean. That’ll require research, right? The kind you can only do while you’re there, of course ;-D

    Liked by 2 people

  10. How much fun, putting up a tree! We haven’t done a real one in years (the cats always climb them…although Raven has made a cat nest in one of my two artificial trees). I was up close to midnight last night working on edits (finished them today). I’m jealous you’re writing. Sounds like you had a great day!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. I left the artificial tree up but had to take all the decorations off. The kittens were tearing them up. The tree is damaged as well on the bottom and the Christmas lights don’t work. I couldn’t find the plug for it. It was given to me by my aunt, so I’ll have to get another one next year. By then the kittens will be fixed and hopefully more settled like our older cats.

    Liked by 2 people

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