Puttering again

I'm still feeling under the weather today. Everyone who's had this locally has to deal with it for weeks. Yay me. Let's just say if I'd written my creative Day Of Pots post today I could add one more pot. This is the kind you set on, and we'll just leave it at that.

My crud even put a stop to date night, and I'm kind of bummed about that.

I puttered around all day on mini projects. I read a few chapters of an ARC for a friend. This iPad Pro is wonderful in that I can have a second window open for notes. I made a few, but it makes beta reading so much easier.

I bounced around with various social media today. I used a couple of free apps to make graphics for Twitter and Facebook. I found one where you can place a note into a bottle on a sandy beach. I added the cover of Experimental Notebook and posted it on Twitter. It's getting a little bit of action, and reflects one of the stories in the book.

I also made a few like this using the older Lisa Burton artwork. I'm using them to post the new Facebook links.

In case you missed it, Lisa is on Facebook and is the administrator of Entertaining Stories on Facebook.

The app has a Playboy cover too, but that is sooo not Lisa. Gotta stay in character with these projects. She's willing to fish with that bait, but not all of it, if you catch my drift.

If you have a chance, check out these sites and tell your friends about them. Thank you to those who already have, but I'm trying to expand my footprint here. Enough said.

I added a few lines to the retro science fiction story. These include gelatinous water spheres instead of plastic bottles. The characters just eat them. I decided they should also be gelatinous olives in cocktails, and something to bite after a tequila shot. (It sounded fun to me.)

The girl in this story has to convince the guy he needs to give up on his past and face his future. Tequila seems like a decent way to introduce that.

I managed to change my wallpaper too. Let's go with toy robots for a month.

Not a ton going on here today. With all this time on my hands I should have made some bigger progress. I'm afraid I'm going to be puttering along for some time. After this goes live I'll probably look at those critique submissions. They aren't going to read themselves and we meet Tuesday.


Filed under Writing

26 responses to “Puttering again

  1. Love the new wallpaper. Hope you feel better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hoping it turns around on you soon. I had a yuck day today and stayed in bed all day. Nothing specific, just general ill-being. I’ll have to get used to the robots. They creep me out the way children are affected by clowns. Never was that was as a kid. I used to love them. I think it had something to do with my son and his transformers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry you’re not feeling well. I had previously missed that you were on facebook, but I followed the links today!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so sorry you’re still not over the crud. Hope you’re better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the wallpaper! Get well soon. Sounds like the cure for this crud is T.O.T. – tincture of time. You also need to sleep more – let you body do its work fighting the bug off,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I shared that image on FB with a message about following the coolest robot on FB. Hope it helps. Did you know you can go onto someone’s friend list (like mine, or someone in your genre) and friend their friends? Most people will accept if you have friends in common. Call it the tip of the day. lol Hope you feel better soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The note in a bottle one sounds like fun. I might look for the one that lets you make fake book covers.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Your “not a ton” sounds like full time project accomplishment. I like the robots and love Lisa’s page.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ali Isaac

    Your Facebook stuff with Lisa is great Craig! Glad you’re feeling better, hope you get to make up for missing date night. Here’s to a more productive and healthy week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You’re on the mend, but slowly. it takes time. And hey, we all need those kind of puttering around days. I like the bots. At least none of them are screaming “Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! ” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Writing Links in the 3s and 5…2/3/16 | Traci Krites

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