All over the place

It’s raining here in Idaho. They predicted about three days of it, but it’s not like one of those summer downpours. It’s just kind of a constant drizzle. I kind of like rainy days, but your mileage may differ.

Saturdays are for writing, so I sequestered myself away and moved my story ahead. I am struggling with timing on this one, which is normal for me. I’m sure to work it out and always do.

After I got my words down, I reminded Old What’s Her Face that we got a gift certificate to Kahoots for Christmas. This was from our oldest son and his family. (Thanks, Kids.)

We’re in the habit of wearing lounge clothing around the house, so we cleaned ourselves up and went to supper.

Kahoots is under new management, but their changes are small. The beer menu seems to have shrunk a bit, but still provides a broad spectrum of offerings. They no longer offer the grilled asparagus with their meals, but I got a great Caesar Salad. We both felt stuffed after walking out.

After a couple of craft beers I was feeling brave, so I decided to watch Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Honestly, it wasn’t particularly good, but wasn’t as bad as the online pundits made it out to be.

I didn’t like Helena or the kid with the man-boy mustache. (Is he supposed to be a Straw Hat Pirate, or what? I kept expecting him to find the devil fruit.) My disappointment is seeing my heroes after they’ve gone through life. Maybe don’t trot them out six months before they head for the rest home. I didn’t find the ending to be particularly happy, and kind of felt like Jones deserved that.

Seems like all of Harrison Ford’s heroic characters wound up in disappointing situations via this method. Even Decker was living out in the dirt like a hermit.

Old What’s Her Face has to work today, so after I call Mom I’ll probably take up the keyboard once more. Hope everyone is having a great weekend, rain or not. Drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you.


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33 responses to “All over the place

  1. I like what they did with Decker since that seemed natural. Also, the trope of destroying Harrison Fore legacy characters hasn’t started. Kind of scared to watch the new Indiana Jones, especially if One Piece is being mentioned. As a big fan of that anime, I’m scared to see a connection.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have to admit after reading the reviews of that last Indiana Jones movie, I wasn’t encouraged to watch it. I think watching an old Harrison Ford made ME feel old!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Sunday, Craig. Sounds like you had a good time and hopefully some productive writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. HI Craig, sounds like a great meal and an okay movie. I hope you got some words down today. I finished editing my new poetry book so I’ve just got the last two section dividers and the cover to create.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I agree with you on Dial of Destiny. It’s sad that they created such a great relationship with Marian in the first movie, but then in every following movie they tear it apart. I also didn’t enjoy seeing Indy as a curmudgeon like that. To me this is a big pitfall of franchises, whether literary or visual. Some things should be left well enough alone.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My sister and her friends went to see Dial of Destiny when it first came out. All Indiana Jones fans. All disappointed. Made me shy away from it. But the rest of the day sounds like a win/win. Two out of three isn’t bad.

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  7. We had drizzly, dreary stuff most all of last week. The sun came out yesterday and is rumored to be hanging around all week. I’m so excited!

    Kahoots sounds like a nice treat. I skipped the latest Indy movie after hearing about it. Sounds like I made the right call.

    Happy writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Gwen M. Plano

    We’ve got another storm moving in. Wet and cold seems to be the norm right now. I haven’t seen the new Indiana Jones. After the negative reviews, I pushed it aside. But now you’ve got me wondering, Craig. Maybe tonight. . .

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I think it’s good for the brain to have some relaxing time off.

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  10. I didn’t want to see the movie after I saw the trailer. I want to remember Indy scared of snakes but still a brazen SOB. I’m going to keep it that way. Your dinner sounded great and hope you can get a few more words in today.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. How fun to go out to dinner somewhere different. Glad you got to do that. I haven’t seen the trailer for the movie yet, but after your recount, I think I’ll pass on it. Hope you got some words down!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I thought I had all day Sunday to write. I got up early and hit the keyboard, the words flowing, music cranked, having a blast. And then, up popped a reminder of my Kill Zone post that was due. Ugh. Felt like hitting a brick wall.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. The Indiana Jones sure wasn’t my favorite, but it wasn’t the worst in the series. Just an okay viewing for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Writing, a dinner out, and a movie. Sounds like a good weekend over all, Craig. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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