Character Archetypes: The Shadow

This is my conclusion on the eight Character Archetypes over at Story Empire. If you missed any of them, and they might help you, I even give a tiny tutorial of the search feature at the end of the post.

Story Empire

They say all good things must come to an end, and here we are at #8 of the Character Archetypes. This series is (was, small tear here) a breakdown of the main Character Archetypes of basic story structure.

Our character today is a fun one, but I find them difficult to write. He’s known as The Shadow. (Dun, dun, DUNNNN!)

This is almost always your antagonist, but there’s a lot more that goes into him than simply making him thwart the hero at every turn. He’s called the shadow for a reason. He is a reflection of the weaknesses and darker parts of the hero himself. This makes the mission of your hero much more difficult.

One of the things to consider when crafting this character is that with a few different turns along the way, your hero could become the shadow himself. It’s likely that your hero might have…

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5 responses to “Character Archetypes: The Shadow

  1. This whole series has been wonderful, Craig. I’ve saved all your archetype posts for future reference. 😀

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