Treachery and Triumph Blog Tour


Nonnie Returns To Genesis – Episode 6​



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Episode 6


Several months ago, renowned interviewer and author, Nonnie Jules, accompanied author, John Fioravanti to planet Genesis seven centuries into the future. Dr. John, as he’s called on Genesis, possesses unusual teleportation powers, which he uses to travel through time and space. He can travel with another person just by laying his hand upon them.


In our last episode, Nonnie and John found Rouge strategist, Shawn O’Dell, on the run-down west side of Genesis City. Needless to say, he more than met his match when he decided to disrespect Liz Hastings and women in general. From there, John whisked Nonnie away to find ArcGeneral Pat Conroy who is currently directing the construction of a new and improved navy.


(Nonnie and John find themselves on the front porch of a modest bungalow in one of the upper scale residential areas of the capital city. Pat Conroy bought it for himself and his fiancée, Sarah Manchester, prior to the elections the year before.)


John: “I think you’ll enjoy Pat – he’s pretty comfortable in his own skin. Besides, he’s looking forward to meeting you.”


Nonnie: (Gives John a stern look)And why might that be? What have you told him?”


John: (Defensively) “Calm down, Nonnie. Please.”


Nonnie: “Don’t you dare ‘calm down Nonnie, me’! I’ve just about had…”

(Just then the door opens revealing a handsome, burly man in casual clothes, wearing a big smile)


Pat: “Good day… I thought I heard someone… Dr. John!!! So good of you to visit! (Addresses NonnieAnd this lovely lady must be your friend, Mrs. Jules!


John: “ArcGeneral Pat Conroy, this is Nonnie Jules.”


Pat: (Beaming at Nonnie) “I’m so happy to meet you. Dr. John speaks very highly of you. Welcome! Come in!”


(As they entered the foyer, Nonnie raises her eyebrow at John, who just smiles at her in return. They follow their host into a very comfortable living room where he invites them take a seat anywhere. They sit at either end of a long sofa.)


Pat: “Allow me to serve you a drink from my private stock of liquors from the Conroy Distillery.”


Nonnie: “Are you related to the distillery people?”


Pat: (Grins proudly) “Aye, Lass! My father owns the business, and Marco’s father is the Master Distiller. Mrs. Rossini is my father’s executive assistant.”


Nonnie: “Lass! Aren’t you the charmer! (Turning to John) “You’d do well to model yourself after Patrick.”


Pat: “Oh, Mrs. Jules, you have it backwards. I’ve always admired Dr. John’s charming ways with the ladies…”


Nonnie: “Well, he is quite the flirt!” (Gives John another disapproving look)


Pat: (Looks from one to the other, grinning.) “What’s your pleasure, Dr. John?”


Nonnie: “Oh, he’ll have water, Patrick, as will I, thank you. And please call me Nonnie.”


Pat: “I like that you call me ‘Patrick’ – my mother does too! I’ll be right back with your water.” (He exits and Nonnie looks at John.)


Nonnie: (Whispers) “John… I don’t look as old as his mother, do I?? Don’t lie to me! You know how I hate liars!”


John: Nonnie, you don’t look anything like Irene Conroy! He didn’t mean that. Using his full name just endeared you to him, that’s all.”


(Nonnie stares at John’s face until she’s satisfied he’s sincere. Pat returns with their drinks and sits in an easy chair opposite their sofa.)


Nonnie: Patrick, I’m told that you know Marco better than anyone. Are you convinced he’s fully recovered from his injuries?”


Pat: “Aye, Nonnie, he’s my brother, right here, (tapping his heart) where it counts. I don’t mind tellin you, I thought we’d lost him…”


(He lowers his head, momentarily overcome. Nonnie is moved by the depth of the big Irishman’s feelings for Marco. After a few moments, he raises his eyes to look at Nonnie.)


“Happily, most people who know him, realize he’s had a miraculous recovery.”


Nonnie: “Why call it miraculous, Patrick?”


Pat: “Earther medicine is light years ahead of ours! To us, it’s the stuff of miracles. You asked if he’s fully recovered. Honestly, that man came home, more fit, stronger and faster than ever before. And more importantly, he has a degree of self confidence I’ve never seen in him until now.”


Nonnie: “Earther medicine can’t give anyone confidence in themselves… that’s a psychological matter. Don’t you agree?”


Pat: “I discussed this very issue with Marco last week after sparring with him in his basement. He shrugged it off, but he told me about his chats with First Lord, Setter Caine during his rehab. I believe that Setter is responsible for that change in Marco.


Nonnie: “Seriously? Why? How can one person bring about that kind of change in someone else?”


Pat: “I fought for four of the bloodiest years of my life alongside Setter and the Earther Navy. Sarah, Graham and I sat with him and his admirals planning strategy on many occasions. Setter Caine is a living legend. He is considered the wisest and bravest leader in Earther history. The force of his personality is irresistible. I watched him help Graham transform into a mature leader to be reckoned with… I’m sure he did the very same thing for Marco.”


Nonnie: “I adore Marco, Patrick, but when I chatted with him last year after the election, I thought he needed to be more assertive.”


Pat: “Do you know what Setter told him? (Nonnie shook her head) He told Marco that he had the spirit of a warrior! My big brother the professor! But after I thought about it, I realized that Setter was exactly right.”


Nonnie: “So he planted that idea in Marco?”


Pat: “No, Setter doesn’t manipulate others. He helped Marco see the truth about himself, and Marco did the rest. That man came home to put the boots to those Rouge pigs, and by the Gods, he’ll do it!”

Nonnie: (Looks at John) “Alright my friend, let’s go see Marco. I want to look into his eyes and see that warrior for myself. Then I want you to take me home.”


(Pat walked his guests to the door, watched Nonnie take John’s arm and… disappear!)


Don’t miss tomorrow’s final episode of Nonnie’s trip to Genesis!

To follow John’s tour, please visit the 4WillsPub home page and click on the CURRENT EVENTS tab, which will take you directly to John’s blog tour page! Thanks for stopping by today!


Twitter: @JohnJFioravanti, @FioraBooks

Facebook: Fiora Books Company Page

Blogs: The Genesis Lounge & My Inspiration



“THE GENESIS SAGA (Passion & Struggle + Treachery & Triumph)



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Filed under Writing

44 responses to “Treachery and Triumph Blog Tour

  1. What a unique and exciting post. Nonnie and John are definitely getting around! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a fun guest post. Best of luck to you, John!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Craig, thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today – it is a great honour, indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Another interesting episode, John. These episodes are so much fun. I enjoy Nonnie’s tale on each of the people she meets.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. A.M. Pietroschek

    Given that your site here seems optimized for mobile devices I would replace the white with a mild or pale yellow, as it could improve readability. May just be a personal matter though.



  6. Did the Irish exiles take the Blarney stone to Genesis with them?! lol 😛
    Another great post, John – and thanks for having us over Craig 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Best of luck to John~~

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    I just love those disappearing acts at the end of each episode. Reminds me of Marley’s Ghosts. Nonnie I find myself asking the question “Do I look old?” whenever I’m having a casual conversation with someone – a stranger! It’s too funny. But you know you’re getting old when someone addresses you as mam. Now why am I dwelling on this? Just vanity of course! lol

    John good episode. Craig, its nice you are hosting.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What an adventure! If the book is as tasty as this, I sure will enjoy it. Great job John! :). Thank you C.S. for hosting him today.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for hosting, Craig. And John…thanks for this new episode. I think I’m addicted, for I can’t wait for tomorrow! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Terrific blog tour, John! Thanks for the welcome, Craig! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This has been such a fun tour to follow, I hate to see the end.

    Thanks for hosting, Craig!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Another awesome episode. Go, Dr. John! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog and commented:
    Check this out.

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  15. What a great way to meet John’s characters 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Reading Links…3/9/16 – Where Worlds Collide

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