Wednesday Ramblings

Wild Concept is making a few sales. It’s still single digits, but I’m ecstatic. I know what the odds are for a first time author, and what kind of sales self publishing brings for newbies. It’s only been about three weeks.

I checked the international Amazon stores, and I’ve sold a few in and . Thanks to the international readers out there who gave me a chance.


I’ve gotten a few more re-blogs and Twitter posts. Thanks to everyone who did that. This includes Laurie Buchanan and Ravenlywrites . Thank’s you guys, I’ll take all the help I can get. (and need it)


From the number of click throughs on my blog stats, I probably need to tighten up my book blurb. I was in a hurry to get the book uploaded, and should check it out. It’s an important sales tool, and I can probably do better.


Loralei, my Muse, has been commuting with me again. Last night she talked me into using my fountain pen and notebook to make some character sheets. I’m knee deep in Will ‘O the Wisp, and she’s already onto the next project.

I have a cluster of characters and she wants me to use them all in the next story. I just don’t know if they all fit. If I can come up with a good McGuffin, they might.

I also came up with a seriously bad dude. My bad guys are usually more environmental, or corporate. This guy has potential, and he might even be redeemable. I just have to spend some more time with him. Maybe I’ll have him come to the writing cabin for a day.


Will ‘O the Wisp is at a logjam for me. My main character, Patty has reached a plateau where she has to go on the attack. This involves a lot of research for me, but I always liked the research. Then I have to weave it all into the mind of a fifteen year old before putting it on the page.

This path also has to fail for her. (Sorry Patty) This will set up the last ditch effort at the end.

This is where I could really use Loralei. The problem with a Muse is that she’s happy if I’m creating. She doesn’t care about quality, just getting something new on paper. I might be on my own to figure this part out.


Hey, I said it was a rambling post. “Lisa*, where’s that soapbox?”

“Right here, boss,” she said, putting the box on the lobby floor and I climbed on top.

Now that award season is over in Hollywood, I’m going to bring this up. Why does Hollywood have a problem with aging gracefully? So many of the entertainers don’t look like they’ve had plastic surgery – they look like they’ve been to a taxidermist.

I know Hollywood loves the young and the pretty, but give me a break. There is nothing young or pretty about someone who looks like their head was carved from a bar of soap. I think this is a horrible example for the youth of the world too.

I would watch a good performer, no matter what they looked like. I’m sure there would be a winnowing process if all they were good for was visual. On the other hand, I would watch someone like Helen Mirren in almost anything she does.

“Thanks, Lisa. You can put the soapbox back in the basement.”

* Lisa is the main character in Wild Concept. She works at the writing cabin, and is a robot.

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