Global Warming

Last week it was in the mid seventies here. We got a few scattered showers, and one decent thunder shower. There are still a few flowering trees around. It was lovely.

Today we’re toying with one-hundred degrees. It’s way too early in the year for this crap. I know everywhere else has had its weather issues, and this is small potatoes compared to tornados and flooding. Still, it’s kind of a ping-pong of changes to get used to.

My goal was to write like a madman, and I’ve had to temper that to a degree. We’re going out in the heat to check on our camper. That whole subject is kind of a let down to me. We are still making payments on it, and paying the monthly storage fee for it. We haven’t been able to afford to take it anywhere for three or four years now.

The storage facility contacted us and suggested we put air in the tires. They’re looking a little flat. I’m not looking forward to crawling around on asphalt that could be 120 degrees this afternoon with my little compressor, but it needs to be done. Hope they’ll still take air.

I have to quit a little early today on the writing front, but I was having a great day. It came to about 2600 words, and I know I could have gotten more. This is all about the fallout from the great ectoplasm disaster I created last weekend.

It is a sidebar from the main adventure, but it’s still related. The Hat Series is character driven, and this is such a big event I can’t forget about it and get on with the main event. There will be fallout from such a thing happening, and even if it only influences the setting from here on out it needs to be there.

I wove in some thoughts about what the Eastern Coven would do about this, but left them more as worries. People called in about this to Night Bump Radio, and I even had someone show up from FBI Section 13. I didn’t use the same characters as in Goodbye Old Paint, because they aren’t going to play much of a role. Just a reason for Lizzie to keep looking over her shoulder.

I still want to keep these available to anyone who wants to try a volume without reading the entire series. When parts of Lizzie’s world show up, I have to brief on all of them as appropriate for this story alone. Readers don’t need everything that’s come before, only enough to digest this story. That includes the long-term fans, too.

I’ll have the hat blather about it all later to make sure readers get enough backstory, but not create prerequisite reading from the previous volumes.

In other news, I reached out to Sean Harrington to talk about a cover for “Tracks of Infinity.” I’m hoping to reach an accord on that before I return to work on Monday. Maybe I’ll have something new for all of you this Fall, you know, when the weather returns to simmer instead of deep fry.

That’s it from Death Valley, Idaho. Hope all of you have more moderate conditions and are doing something fun.


Filed under Writing

36 responses to “Global Warming

  1. We are having unusually hot weather as well. It is hard to do anything let along filling tires with air. I wish you well on that. Sounds like today was a productive writing day. Hoping you have more.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I did not realize it could get that hot in Idaho. It is hot here in Texas too. Last week we had bad storms with tornadoes and some people are still without power. I wish you good luck with your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It started getting unseasonable hot too. I mean, it does start to warm up now, but it jumped right into the high 80’s after a week of 60’s/70’s. The humidity came along too, so it feels like summer decided to eliminate spring. Can’t even remember an extended period of actual spring weather. Honestly, I think you still have a right to complain about the heat. That can be brutal and deadly while not as visibly vicious as hurricanes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The heat has been off and on here in Michigan. We haven’t used our AC yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like you’ve got a great story coming along.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Our weather in Indiana has been relatively mild the past few weeks. Many days in the 70’s. With a steady wind some days, it’s wonderful to walk in. I know those days are numbered. My son wants us to relocate to Houston to be near his family. We really miss them, but the extreme heat is a concern.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I agree with you, Craig. It’s way too early for 100 degree temps, but we’re seeing it here, too. And with all the rain we’ve had, the humidity is insufferable. Congrats on the word count. I love the way you weave bits and pieces of backstory into this series so a reader picking up the series in the middle won’t be lost. Good luck with the camper.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow! Your weather is crazy, along with everyone else’s. We were in the 80s and then dropped to the 70s… so I’m not complaining. Happy writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Indiana’s had a pretty nice spring, one of our better ones. But it all changes on Wednesday when the temperatures go to the 80s, Glad they won’t be in the 100s. I’m not a hot weather fan. Glad you got some good writing in before you had to work on your camper. And fingers crossed your tires are still good. Hope you get it paid off soon so you can use the money to travel.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Gwen M. Plano

    It’s been really hot in Arizona as well, but I didn’t think Idaho would suffer the scourge. I imagined your beautiful State to have mild summers. Take care of yourself and bravo for finding moments to write.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. We’ve had unusually mild temps for the past few weeks, but the heat is coming our way this weekend. Not in triple digits, thankfully. Stay cool, Craig!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love the title, Tracks of Infinity, Craig! Wow. One hundred degrees sounds brutal, definitely not the best time to roll around on asphalt. Hope it all went well.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Great to hear The Hat is “blathering,” Craig, and that your writing is moving forward. Your camper might need air in the tires, but it sounds like you are cruising nicely.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. We’re still using our woodstove, Craig, and today will get up to 62 degrees. I could use some of the heat that’s belting most of the west. Sorry you haven’t had a chance to use your camper. We’ve thought about how best to travel and it’s not an easy decision.

    And decent word count. I’m glad you’re making progress on the next book. Happy Writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I can’t relate to the extreme temperatures you’re facing, but the weather where I am does seem to be hotter than usual. And I have to say, the endless sweating and the buzzing flies do not make for good writing companions. I’m glad to hear your writing is going well! Wishing you all the best with your word count.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi Craig, we had a really cold week but it warmed up today. It was lovely with a midday high of about 23C which is fairly normal for our winter. We get mild weather with a few really cold patches. Is your camper one of those caravan car vehicles? I’ve never been in one. I am nearly finished Goodbye Old Paint. I love the Hat, he never lets me down.

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  17. Pingback: June 18, 2024 – Where Genres Collide Traci Dowe YA Author

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