Writing and Beekeepers

I had planned to write all day today, but it didn’t work out that way. The dogs let me sleep in a bit, but were still wanting to go outside by six o’clock.

Frankie has been making snow angels in the back yard. She doesn’t like the rain, but looks at snow like a special treat to roll in. Otto doesn’t care either way. He just makes trails in it to do his business. The snow is up to his chin, but it doesn’t bother him.

I did all the morning chores, then settled in with coffee while I read blogs and such. When it was time, I sequestered myself away for some writing time.

Old What’s Her face came and got me. She’d bought tickets to a matinee showing of The Beekeeper.

This landed smack in the middle of my quality time, but I just went with it.

The movie was great. I enjoyed seeing an action movie once again with no message to hit me like a sledge-hammer about how awful I am for being a straight white male. It was fun, and I enjoyed it.

I don’t think it ended particularly well, and there were a lot of threads left dangling. I won’t spoil anything for you, but that was my thought.

It was daytime, but I’m calling it date night. I think it counts.

When we got home, I returned to my room and started typing away. I managed some new words, but nothing Earth shattering. I have to classify it as a productive day and leave it at that.

It was nice getting out even if it was a grey winter day. The movie was fun, and I got some words down. All in all, a pretty good Saturday.

What did you do this weekend? Did any of you see the movie?


Filed under Writing

36 responses to “Writing and Beekeepers

  1. Friday and Saturday are mostly off limits for writing. I try to do chores and all the other stuff my family asks. Although, I did have a good brainburst today. Tomorrow I’ll be back at my desk again.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I was wondering about that movie. Saw the trailer and thought it looked interesting. Action movies tend to look the same to me these days though. Feels like they’re either heavy with messages or depending entirely on special effects.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Gwen M. Plano

    It sounds like you had a good day, Craig. More exciting than mine, for sure! I haven’t seen the Beekeeper, but I’m intrigued. We’re currently watching The Crown series and loving it. Every night we enjoy two episodes, along with popcorn. It’s not a theatre, but it’s a close second. 😊

    Liked by 5 people

  4. I have not seem the beekeeper but have read about it. Sounds like a good film. Glad you got some words in as well as the movie. Have a super Sunday.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. I am having too many days like this, but hey, I am still moving forward…

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Sounds like a fun day. We went out with a group of friends last night. It was enjoyable. Nice to be out for something other than a doctor’s appointment.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. “…with no message to hit me like a sledge-hammer about how awful I am for being a straight white male.” A rare event indeed. Whenever presented with most modern visual media be it entertainment or marketing I wonder when the “marginalized” are going to wake up to the blatant pandering and patronizing objectification stereotypification and exploitation that flies in the face of political correctness. Read the “rules and guidelines” for creatives as regards anything and all you need to do is watch three TV commercials to see it all blown to hell. I don’t get it. But neither does Dave Chappelle. And he’s not even white. The other day I saw a commercial with an Asian driving an F150. Who the hell are you kidding? Can we teach the burgeoning import Indian population how to buy and wear shoes for 19 degree weather? Obviously not. Can we say or write things like that, stating obvious fact, without criticism? Seems not. Do we occasionally let our characters have an opinion? Yep.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. What a fun treat, Craig. I saw the trailer for the movie and am intrigued. I will try and see it. They leave the movie theaters so quickly these days and next thing you know they are on Prime. Glad you enjoyed it and I chuckled at your comment about being a straight white male. We live in a strange world!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. With a title like The Beekeeper, I didn’t expect it to be an action movie. I haven’t seen the trailer. Glad you still got some words in, though, and sounds like you had a great Saturday to me! Love it that Frankie makes snow angels. The dogs next door to us love the snow. Run and play it when it’s fresh.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. A movie and some writing time. You can’t beat that for a good day. It’s been bitter cold here, so I haven’t done much venturing outside. Instead I indulged in two good books over two days!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Somehow I completely missed this movie – just learned about it from a Regal Theater email last week. Glad you enjoyed it! We finished the second season of Reacher over the weekend, and I finished Gen V (something Hubby won’t watch).

    Liked by 3 people

  12. D.L. Finn, Author

    Sounds like a fun day, Craig. I saw that movie’s trailer and wondered about it. It was football here all weekend, and I’m looking forward to the season’s end 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  13. It does sound like a good day, Craig: a good movie with the wife, and some words down on the WIP. I hope you’ve gotten some great uninterrupted writing time since.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I haven’t seen the movie, but have heard wonderful things about the book. I can’t say the last time I was in a theatre, it’s been years!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Hi Craig, I will not watch movies that diss men of any sexual inclination or from any background. I wish everyone could just leave other people in peace. I have not seen this movie (or any others) but I did think up a new idea for a series of paintings. It’s called The Light and I’ve already finished drawing the first piece. A vital step but not as time consuming as the painting.

    Liked by 3 people

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