Guest Post: Voyage of the Lanternfish by C.S. Boyack #adventure #pirates

Lisa is visiting with Charles today to discuss Voyage of the Lanternfish. The topic today is the character Serang. There is a new poster too, so get over there and grab a copy. Charles is a great author of fantasy tales, and a super supportive blogger. If you don’t know him yet, you ought to get acquainted while you’re there.

Legends of Windemere

(Today I have a special guest.  Lisa Burton is here to talk about C.S. Boyack’s newest book, Voyage of the Lanternfish.  She’s brought both a new picture of herself and a look behind the curtain at one of the story’s colorful characters.  Enjoy!)

“Thanks for having me back, Charles. This is getting to be a regular stop on Craig’s book tours. This visit, the new book is Voyage of the Lanternfish, a pirate fantasy. If you like the idea of monsters, magic, and artifacts mingled with flintlocks, cannon, and tall ships, Lanternfish might be just what you’re looking for.

“My specific topic is a character named Serang. She’s really cool, and a lot cooler than Craig makes her out to be. He’s making me bring you some of his own words to post, and since he signs the checks, here it is.”


There are a lot of wonderful…

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3 responses to “Guest Post: Voyage of the Lanternfish by C.S. Boyack #adventure #pirates

  1. Oooo, a new Lisa poster! Headed there now…

    Liked by 1 person

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