Kinda late tonight

I’ve been dabbling all night. I scratched out a shtick for Lisa Burton Radio and sent it out. Someone wanted the last July date, and there’s plenty of time to put it together. Still have some August openings if you want one.

On the way home I was accosted by a character. I dwelled on her story, and hacked out a micro piece just now. It needs some work, and kind of wants to be longer than one blog post.

I’m going to make it behave and stash it in my Macabre Macaroni folder. If I get enough of these things, I can do my October thing again this year.

I probably shouldn’t be worrying about anything other than my novel, but getting a draft out at this length doesn’t take too long. I’ve gotten the character out of my head and can start on the novel without her fictional baggage.

I have a few ideas for the next section of Lanternfish, and will probably just start writing and see where it leads me. I’ve produced some good bits this way, and just fleshing out the scenes can get me on the right track.

Old What’s Her Face went to Nevada today. It’s their annual Art in the Park event, and she wanted to go. This gives me one day to work on whatever I want.

Things are looking kind of peachy in my back yard tonight. I may have to taste test this year’s crop to see if they’re ready.

I survived the partial work week, and am looking forward to my one personal day to do whatever I want.

Hope all of you find time for yourselves this weekend too.


Filed under Writing

20 responses to “Kinda late tonight

  1. We’re going to have a wonderful weekend. If it were cooler, I’d be happier, but I’m going to enjoy it. Sure hope you do the same!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Glad you’re going to get a day to yourself. Hope it gives you the time you need to work on the next part of your story.

    Yum… Peaches!

    It’s Hastings Pirate Day this Sunday. The town does a yearly pirate event, and holds the world record for the most people dressed as pirates in one place. We haven’t gone every year, but we try to go when we can, and are hoping this will be one of those years we do get to go. We won’t be dressing up as pirates – though we’ve got a pirate bandana for Lilie to wear – but there are usually some great events to enjoy.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Peaches in your own back yard sounds like heaven to me!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. harmonykent

    My weekend started last night, lols, and I kicked off the pre-birthday celebrations with a lovely meal out with friends. Recovering this morning! Have a wonderful weekend and good luck with the writing 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Have a fun weekend. Sometimes other ideas get fussy and butt into novel time. I’ve had to pause for jotting down ideas in the past. Half the time, I have no idea what the notes are when I return. Guess it meant the story wasn’t meant to be. Hope you can do the October stories again. They’re always fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I managed a single scene of writing yesterday. Today we have friends coming over for a pool day. Hopefully, I can get some productive writing time in on Sunday.
    I always look forward to Macabre Macaroni. Sounds like you’re off to an early start!


  7. Enjoy your day, Craig! I love it when a character accosts a writer. 🙂 Peaches! Yum! My mom could make the world’s best peach cobbler. I miss that.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sounds like you’re in a super-creative place lately. Glad for you. Hope the peaches are sweet and the time alone peaceful and productive.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love fresh peaches. We don’t get them very often. Sounds like you are on a roll.

    Liked by 1 person

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