Some good, some bad

I write a post along these lines every once in a while. Typically, I get to whatever I’m excited about, then throw out the bummer thing. I’m going to change it up, because I want to end on a high note tonight.

Last night we learned we are losing about half our annual income. We both still have our jobs, but there was a royalty we’ve become accustomed to getting. This has ebbed and flowed for decades. Usually it tapers off for a year or so before it goes blank. This time things were flying high, and without any warning, it ended completely.

This is a huge hit for us, and we were counting on it for part of our Christmas. My ultimate goal was to pay off my truck and furnace before it trickled away this time. At least I’m close. The truck will get paid off around February or March. That will really help. It also helps me make up my mind about trading it in. It’s going to have to last a few more years.

I also afforded my writing habit with some of this money. Let’s face it, breaking even is a worthy goal for a writer today. I used it to commission book covers and promotional posters. I think I can still do this, but I have at least three books I’m planning on releasing in 2018. I already have two covers and most of the posters, so there is that.

Enough of this unhappy shit. There is some decent news too. Back in October, for my birthday, I bought myself a gift. Had I known about the royalty, I never would have done it, but what’s done is done. I commissioned three hat stands for my office at the house. Things like this look better in threes, and two of them arrived today. There is one more to come.

I own a lot of hats. I usually wear one of my fedoras, but if we’re camping there are a couple of nice cowboy hats too. My old hat tree is full to overflowing, and I even have some in boxes in a closet. Now I can put more of them out. Hats aren’t for everyone, but I’ve been wearing a hat since I was a child.

Anyway, they turned out really cool. Here is a photo.

C. S. Boyack

The remaining one will have a cross bone for scarves and such. It’s hard to see in my lousy picture, but the top skull on the stack has a gold doubloon in it’s eye socket.

This guy also makes custom pirate hats. I gave some thought to ordering one depending upon how the stands came out, but under the circumstances, this will have to do. I’m sure a pirate hat would make a great display on one of these stands. I do have a cool witch’s hat that can substitute.

This weekend, I’ll be going over the Christmas shopping list and trying to salvage what we can of the remaining shopping. Perhaps I should wear my witch’s hat while I do it.

Psssst, hey buddy. Want to buy a book? Will write for food, etc.


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41 responses to “Some good, some bad

  1. Well my Like is only for the good stuff, Craig. Hat stands are an excellent choice of expenditures for a guy like you. I can almost see the doubloon.
    I’m really sorry to read about your loss of income, particularly at this time of year. I’m wishing you good fortune and many, many words.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I know how you feel, Craig. I lost part of my income last year. I live on a fixed income and rely on my daughter and son to help me out. They’ve been out of work this summer. My daughter finally got a job last month but my son’s still looking. With all the house trouble, we’re just hanging on. The idea of publishing is far off for me right now.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I hear you, Craig! It’s a bit different for me here in ‘Twilight’, retired, writing because it keeps me around, the book pirates have attacked me… I just went on Blasty today… Now, I can be dense, but I assume you’re talking about book royalties going down…and, piracy! You’re too good an author not to be selling big! If I’ve erred in my assumption, it doesn’t take away from my heartfelt empathy… ♥

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It will come around for you! I’m confident for you after reading your talented narratives! Hopefully, the mining investment will pay off. All the best! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sorry about the finance news. Hope you can finish that shopping without a problem. We’ve been eyeing sales and eBay here. Love the hat stands. Now, I’m curious how many hats you have.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Im digging the furniture, very unique. Glad your making that doe. I wrote a new story called, “The Writers Block”. Would love your feedback if you have the time


  7. Losing an income stream sucks! The End! … but a piratical tricorn would look perfect! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sorry to hear about your misfortune, Craig. Hoping its a door closing, another opens scenario!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sorry to hear about the financial news. Glad you’re pleased with the hat stands though. I used to have quite a collection of baseball caps, but I only have one or two now, and rarely wear them any more.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well, that stinks. And near Christmas, too. I’m really sorry, Craig.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Love, love, love the hat racks!!! I’m so sorry you guys took a hit. Been there, and it sucks. {{{hugs}}}

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I hear you, Craig. My recent spending binge has been planned, but I blasted through that money like a kid in a candy store, and have a lot less in reserve than I expected for work that still needs to be tackled sooner than later…
    Never mind – bad things can lead to good things as you say and also make you stronger and wiser. I’m sure you can still have an epic Xmas, just a little different (possibly even a bit better for some ingenuity?) to the one you anticipated! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Sorry to hear about the financial news – especially at this time of year. But those are some seriously cool hat stands!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ugh! So sorry about the financial setback. The important thing, like you said, is that you both still have jobs. So many cutbacks happen today, I was afraid one of you took a hit on that level. Still, I know it can’t be an easy adjustment.

    I do love your hat stands. They’re so unique. My hats are all wrapped in bags on shelves in my closet. I think it’s time to get my fedora out again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Sorry to hear about the income loss. That’s rough, especially this time of year. Love the skulls though. My husband would too. My kids tease him about the number of skull t-shirts he has. It really is getting out of control. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I can empathize with your financial loss. Always a kick to the heart. The hat stands should keep you smiling. Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

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