Let’s talk about television.

I get some of my inspiration from television, and I’ll bet most writers do too. We are products of our environment, and television is all around us. I decided to talk about what I’ve been watching this fall. Here they are, in no particular order:

Dr. Who. I may be the only person in the world who isn’t onboard with Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. The problem isn’t his, it’s one of poor production. BBC is running this with the theatrical music overpowering the dialog. I really don’t know if Capaldi is good or not. I’ve only heard about a third of what he said. I’ll keep watching, because it’s Dr. Who, but I’m losing interest.

Sherlock. I’m so excited that BBC America decided to run this show over here. I got to see some episodes that ran on PBS a few years ago. So far, I’ve seen these episodes, but it was a few years ago. I like the fact that each episode is about two hours long. They have more time to mesmerize me. Really excited to see what happens after R. Falls.

Selfie. Keeping with a loose BBC connection, I only watched this because of Amy Pond… I mean Karen Gillan. They teamed her up with John Cho. It’s a modern rebelling of Pygmalion/My Fair Lady. Gillan is hilarious as a self obsessed office worker. I never thought it had much staying power, but I’m sad it was cancelled already. I recorded it and watched it when it suit my schedule. It was up against a highly anticipated show called…

The Flash. I really want to like this show. I’m being patient, because Flash is one of my favorite characters. Right now they’re stuck in bad guy of the week syndrome. My biggest issue is that I think it was miscast. I prefer the old Flash with John Wesley Ship. I’m not offended by the racial diversity the network is obviously attempting, but… When I read the comics, Iris was a white girl. This seems to be a comic trend. I heard Marvel is doing something similar with Ben Grimm. I’m being patient with this show.

S.H.I.E.L.D. This show is much better than last year. They’ve allowed a bit of character growth that most new programs overlook. The episode when Coulson and May infiltrated the party was awesome. May was so out of character working under cover it was funny. It looks like Ward is going to be forgiven, and I think that’s a mistake. I also like the changes between Fitz & Simmons. They were a bit cloying in season one.

Sleepy Hollow. I really like this show. The cast carries the load here. The relationship between Crane and Mills is wonderful. The little bits of Crane being out of touch with modern times are hilarious. It’s a nice spice in an otherwise grim show. I’m not impressed that the horseman is one of the four horsemen, Death. I also don’t like the idea they gave him an invisible head and dialog. Sometimes the monster should remain a monster. His scare factor went from boiling to simmer. Someone once said The Force was so much cooler before we learned about metachlorians. This is how I feel about the horseman. I was a bit disappointed in the 30 pieces of silver episode. Everyone goes there. Crane and Mills carry the show.

The Walking Dead. This show was always good, and it still is. The world is genuinely dangerous, and cast members die off with regularity. There is no safety in knowing a character will be back next week. It’s gritty, scary, and dangerous and I like it.

Last Man Standing. It’s Tim Allen, do I need to say any more? The guy just cracks me up. They poke fun at very current events and do it from a standpoint of common people. The supporting cast is good, and they’ve been allowed to grow a bit too.

Note: There are no reality shows on my list. I was tired of them years ago, and quit watching them all together.

So what’s on your list? What have you given up on? What did you pick up? Is anyone still watching Bones or Once Upon a Time?


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36 responses to “Let’s talk about television.

  1. Good list. I don’t watch as much TV as I used to. Haven’t touched Season 4 of Once Upon a Time either because I’m still 1.5 discs away from finishing Season 3. Anyway, the big ones on my list are Constantine, Elementary, Sherlock, White Collar, The Daily Show, and Big Bang Theory. There’s a bunch of shows on SyFy that are on break like Lost Girl.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love Big Bang, but it’s been a moving target for some reason. I haven’t found it again. I used to watch Warehouse 13 on SF, but it ended.

      I gave up on OUAT at the end of the Peter Pan story. I wanted characters to develop a bit, and 3 years in, I didn’t get satisfaction. Gold was the only outstanding character. My daughter said the current story is very good.

      Never tried Gotham. It felt too much like backstory to me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Big Bang is on Thursdays now. It was on Mondays for a bit this season and then switched back for some reason.

        Regina seems to be getting developed more after the Peter Pan thing. I think the series does have the issue of too many characters to work with, so some are going to fall by the wayside. No idea what the current storyline is, so I couldn’t tell you about it.

        I’m actually not that big a fan of Batman. I liked him when I was younger, but now it’s just not appealing to me. Gotham kind of fell into this because it made me think that all of his enemies are decades older than him.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. I don’t watch much of anything at all anymore. Mainly just old X-Files episodes on Hulu Plus when I get more than a few minutes…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never seen any of those shows. I watch a few shows a week but for the most part, its done in bulk.
    I watch Sons of Anarchy, Blue Bloods, The Middle, New Girl, Modern Family, and the Tonight Show (mostly just the monologues.). As I said, in bulk. I spend probably two hours a week watching several episodes at a time. Except Sons of Anarchy. I watch every episode. Every week.


  4. Ali Isaac

    I actually dont watch anything, apart from the odd movie. Oh and I’ll be watching GOT when its back in the spring. Hate all reality shows… they’ve been done to death.


    • I like to think of myself as pretty diverse. I have two superhero related, two horror related, science fiction, mystery, one family comedy, and one romantic comedy.

      TV is a huge waste of time, but I now pick episodes apart to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I find it helps me a bit. Reality shows are off my radar though.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ali Isaac

        I just don’t ever seem to get the time to sit and watch! When I do, I feel restless… I’d rather read a book, to be honest! I never check what’s on, though, and sometimes this has been my downfall, as I discover too late that there has been some fascinating history or archaeology show on one channel or another, and then I’m mad!


      • I miss the history and science stuff. I get small articles online and that helps. I gave up on the History channel. Too many non-history programs. The dedicated scientific ones are just as bad, having aliens and ghosts mostly.


      • Ali Isaac

        That’s true! No, I was thinking more about RTE and BBC stuff. Don’t trust anything else, its mostly just sensationalist stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Sigh. I watch TV, but, other than Sherlock, which I heard is coming back for a few more episodes in early 2015, I don’t watch any of the shows you mentioned.


    • I watch too much. That’s why I cull ruthlessly. Comments indicate most people are binge watching from alternate sources like Hulu. That’s something I’ve never explored.

      Sherlock is awesome, and I’m glad to have it back.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. ARCHER! It’s a guilty pleasure, but I love that show. My ten-year-old and I have a standing date to watch Once Upon a Time every Sunday, and I’ve got to say, for a writer or aspiring writer, that show is insanely good. Not the particulars, but the way they pace conflict, with overlapping story lines, each presenting conflict aplenty, a new thread unraveling just as something gets tied up on one of them. Conflict is my weak spot as a writer, I think, and that show is a clinic.


    • There is a lot to be learned from TV writers. An episode takes one hour, reading a book takes much longer. I don’t think its a substitute for reading, just an alternative. Sometimes the lesson is what not to do, and that’s helpful too.


  7. Doctor Who – agree about not being able to hear Capaldi but I find his face very expressive and I love him as the Doctor. Love love love Sleepy Hollow and The Walking Dead! I’ll have to check out S.H.I.E.L.D.


  8. Then I saw the other comments and was reminded of Blue Bloods and I watch Sherlock too. This post makes me smile so thanks!


  9. Yes, sir, I’ still on Once Upon a Time. In fact, that and The Middle are about the only current shows I watch at all anymore.


    • Before I met my wife, I got rid of my television. I never missed it. There is a lot more speculative fiction on today, which is my interest.

      Much of it has moved to the fringes, like CW or AMC. The main networks have Dancing with the Sharks or something.

      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL! I don’t watch ANY reality TV. I’ve hated it from Day One. With all the musicians I know who worked their asses off to get where they got, I think it insults their hard work to have someone win a popularity contest and be an instant star. And the same goes for actors. They used to have to know how to act, sing, dance, play an instrument or two. Now, they hire nobodies for a few bucks and call it reality TV.


      • I agree. The days of polished professionals are gone. Today all they need to do is let someone take a picture up their skirt or punch out a photographer – instant star.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Helen Espinosa

    Love The Walking Dead. My daughter started watching it before it was all the rage. We started Gotham and I’m enjoying it. It’s fun to see the beginnings of the characters. Blacklist is also another favorite although I think the first season was way better than what just currently finished. I gave up on Sleepy Hollow but I’m thinking I maybe should have stuck with it. Great list! 😉


  11. Aside from the news show I watch as I get ready each morning for work, the only TV show I watched with any regularity this past year was THE STRAIN. I liked it. I would probably like SHERLOCK, but I’m horrible about committing to TV shows. I’m usually too busy blogging, writing or reading in the evenings.


    • You’re probably better off. I need to cull through the programs I watch.

      I thought The Strain was fun, but it started wearing out for me at the end. I probably won’t pick it up again next year. In my opinion, Walking Dead is a superior program. They are similar in some ways too.


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