Vacation day

This is one of the busiest weeks of the year for us at work. With everything pretty much settled now, I decided to take today off.

I didn’t have any specific goals other than not having to get up and commute. This week began with a return to Daylight Savings Time, included a full moon, and ends with Friday the 13th. None of those are particularly troubling. In fact, I published Viral Blues the last time Friday the 13th rolled around.

The news is depressing with all the viral scares going around. I was looking forward to baseball season, so that’s kind of disappointing. I understand why they’re making all these changes, but I don’t have to like it.

Fortunately for me, there is the writing thing. I need to address some critiques I have back, but I don’t have them all. With that in mind, I decided to add more words. It wasn’t a banner day, but 1600 new words are more than I had when I got up this morning. I kind of like them, but always reassess when my next writing day begins.

The tour for Grinders is ongoing, and I needed to deliver some materials for that. I think it’s time well spent. No sense publishing these things if I don’t try to make people aware of them. This tour hasn’t been any more productive than any of the others, but there is one noticeable difference. I’m enjoying it more. By only having two posts per week, I don’t feel rushed and harried to cover all the comments and such. Comments have been great, too. There seem to be more of them this time.

This could actually be a good thing in the long run. I buy books by earmarking them in my head, then getting to them when I have some time. I don’t always remember all the things I was interested in, and sometimes a reminder will send me running to Amazon. Perhaps, by spreading the posts out, I can have those little reminders online for those who are more like me.

Two years ago, I decided that writing my next book was my best source of promotion. It seems to be working to a degree. My backlist is getting more action than it ever has. It isn’t a lot, but it’s noticeable. More publications means I’m out there more frequently than ever before. Phase two of this idea will be some “specials” when my series books are ready to come out. It’s possible I might weave in a free day for one of the older titles, too. That’s all speculation. My main goal is to get the next Lanternfish book ready to set sail.

Those 1600 word might be all I accomplish this weekend. There could be a few more, but the story has moved to a point where I’m not stressing about it. If I can’t get it finished before Summer, I may just release it in the middle of Summer. I never have great luck with Summer releases, but I’ve been told the middle of a trilogy is a tough sell anyway. They usually don’t move until the series concludes.

I’m open to suggestions on that point. Let me hear from you in the comments. I’d like to learn your release day and promo secrets.

Oh, Public Service Announcement: Hiding in the closet with a copy of Grinders is a great way to spend the weekend and will not expose you to Corona Virus. It’s an E-book, so you can’t substitute it for toilet paper, but you won’t want to after you get into it.

On one of my last posts I tossed a photo of Otto out there to draw interest. Frankie demanded equal time, so here she is on one of the rare times when she pauses in her playing.

Being good, temporarily.


Filed under Writing

38 responses to “Vacation day

  1. Her expression is priceless!

    I agree with you; spacing out the tour is better for your sanity and a good way to keep momentum going. Sorry you had a rough week, but I’m glad you took today off. Enjoy the weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Guess a possible quarantine and time off does mean more writing. I’m still nervous about the whole thing given my location.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This has been a week! Looking forward to the weekend. Love the photo of Frankie!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Frankie, you’re so cute. If I could, I’d scratch your ears and chin. Tell that human of yours that I have no release day or promo secrets because I’m not a published fiction author. Oh, and also, having a goal of not having to get up and commute is a perfect day-off goal!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Frankie looks like an angel.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Frankie looks very thoughtful. Like she isn’t 100% certain if she should allow herself to be photographed, or if she expects you to feel honored for being permitted to take her photo. Either way, there’s a bit of diva going on there 🙂

    Glad you’re enjoying the Grinders Tour. I finished it last night. Now I just have to write my 5-star review, because it was definitely that!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Enjoy your 3-day weekend. I didn’t get any new words in this week but did get my copy edits done and sent in. I celebrate every victory:) I wish I had advice on promo but I can’t get my Muddy River series off the ground and I’ve tried paying for a few different ads at different sites. Two of my friends have had decent success doing Facebook ads, but I can’t figure out how to make them work. But maybe this year, The Year of the Rat, will amaze us with something we never expected:) I hope.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If I ruled the world, you would post puppers every time! 🙂
    I am unlikely to read series work until it’s finished. Also, shows, but you don’t care about shows until your books are shows 😉
    I’m glad you enjoyed your vacation day.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. D.L. Finn, Author

    I’m glad Frankie demanded equal time! Good idea to spread out your posts, it can get overwhemling keeping track of a lot of them at once. Yes, staying home and reading is the best thing to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My school just announced they are closing until mid-April. We’re still wrapping our minds around it. But, like Charles, my first thought was “maybe I’ll finish my novella on time after all.”


  11. Currently, I think 1600 words in a day is fantastic. In fact, it’s exactly 1600 more words than I wrote yesterday. Or all of last week. Or the week before. Life has been conspiring to keep me busy elsewhere, and then I got this cold, so now don’t feel particularly creative. BUT. This, too, shall pass, and I will be productive again. No, really. I will be! And you will double your output on future writing days, too. Oh, and we’ll both win the lottery, buy a tropical island for our own personal writing havens, and hit Best Seller Lists everywhere! Yeah. That’s the ticket.

    Good luck on all of the above! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I definitely think spacing the tour is more effective than back-to-back posts. If you think about it a large majority of the blog followers are all in a circle and too many posts can be a turn-off. I have no wisdom or advice about release dates. I figure it’s best to release when you’re finished. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Damyanti Biswas

    Hope you had a great weekend of reading! Love to Frankie.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Any writing progress is a good thing. Also, I’m glad the tour is going well, and that you’re seeing some action on older titles too.

    Personally, I’ve had Summer releases that did well, and others that didn’t. Wish I knew why, but there doesn’t seem to be any one particular reason. Since that’s the case, unless the stories are linked to a certain holiday or something, I just publish them when I think they’re ready to be published. Sometimes they sell well, sometimes they don’t, sometimes they don’t at first but suddenly randomly start selling well later. The series thing seems to often happen though: a lot of people are reluctant to grab something that’s not a stand-alone until the series is completed these days, for fear of having to wait forever for the next book. So, just publish it when it’s ready, especially with it being the middle book in a trilogy.

    Maybe when people stop stockpiling toilet paper, they’ll remember that reading is a great activity to do when you’re stuck indoors, and all of our books will start selling really well?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. “It’s an E-book, so you can’t substitute it for toilet paper, but you won’t want to after you get into it.” …. does this mean you’ve got panic toilet paper buying over there too? I thought that was something only unique to us weirdo Aussies.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Hope you are doing ok! Love the picture.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Frankie and Otto are equally adorable! I love when you share your planning timeline and why. It sounds as if you really have some great ideas of when to do what and when to hold back. I’m hoping the Covid 19 keeping people at home will inspire more people to start reading more. You’re doing a great job!

    Liked by 1 person

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