Guest Post on Viral Blues by C.S. Boyack

Leesha and I have been blog friends for a long time. She would like to get into hosting authors, and invited me over today. I invite all of you to make this a positive experience for her. We always need places to promote. Her posts are interesting, so look around and consider following her while you’re there.


I recently invited my friend and author C.S. Boyack, over at to do a guest post for his new book “Viral Blues.”  Craig is a talented author and blogger – his posts are often filled with good humor, snark, and fun, as well as great advice and ideas.  Take it away, Craig!



Thanks for the invitation, Leesha. Its important to have places to talk about our work, and means a lot to me that you asked. When youre ready for some promo, my door is always open.


Im touring around my newest book, Viral Blues. Ive been doing this for a few years, and am just starting on series work. This is part of The Hat series, and is the second volume. The intent here is: no prerequisite reading. You can…

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7 responses to “Guest Post on Viral Blues by C.S. Boyack

  1. Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your writer journey and a part of your writing community. This was such a fun experience and I’m really honored to work with you on this 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Visited and commented. All the best, Craig. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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