
Hey there. Remember me? It’s been a while since I wrote something specifically for the blog. I’ve wanted to, but the blog tour demanded my attention.

The tour is over now. This one involved a pile of pre-written posts, plus a few custom requests from various bloggers. Overall, the tour was a success. We moved multiple copies every day, and it’s still selling. My experience lately is a book will flatline shortly after a book tour ends. This poses the question of what to do next. No, seriously, what should I do next?

So much of the stuff from even eighteen months ago doesn’t seem to work any longer. Facebook ads are getting horrible performance now according to some of my friends. The Amazon ads were never really much good. I tried a few email lists a couple of books ago. They cost money, but delivered nothing.

It’s a shame really, because The Hat is a fun story. More people would enjoy it, if I could only find a decent (and cost effective) way to reach them. I can give it a rest, then try the Amazon free days. I never understood why people would grab a free book when it only actually costs 99¢, but they do.

Going back to December, many of my friends released books, and I hosted as many of them as I could. They’re all good authors too, so there were some worthy books promoted here. One saw the end of an epic series, one is the beginning of a new series. There were many others between these bookends.

These same friends were there for me too, and I appreciate everyone who donated their space for my tour.

If you’re a new author, there are some observations you could make here. These are good things to know. First, I have friends. You’re going to need friends too if you want to spread the word about your books. Keep in mind that I was there for them, even though I had my own blog tour going on at the same time. They were here for me under the same circumstances. This isn’t exactly easy, particularly when you hold a full-time job. It’s what friends do for each other though.

Everyone participated in their comments too. It’s hard enough to get someone to look your way. It’s always good to acknowledge those who have something to say.

If you were really paying attention, you came across some great people too. Making friends with my hosts is a good idea. One day you might find them willing to host your book release too. Now this is different than keeping a list of contact information and only contacting them when you need something. I’m talking about conversing with these people. Participating in their blog comments from time to time. Maybe tweet out something you find interesting. You know, friends.

I run Lisa Burton Radio on a different basis. I pretty much take all comers there. Many of those people I’ve never met before. I have made some good friends via that process too. Some of my blog hosts offer something similar. There is a trick to these opportunities too. Many regular promotional slots have dried up. It isn’t because the author/blogger got bored, it’s from lack of participation.

As authors, we don’t want those slots to dry up. We may not have a book release every month, but if the slot goes away it’s gone when we need it. My advise here is to follow those blogs who offer something like this, and share those posts on social media too. The goal is a two-stage one. First, the slot stays available and will be there when you need it. Second, if the slot grows over time it will be a better slot when you need it.

The slots I took advantage of were at PH Solomon’s, Sue Vincent’s, Colleen Chesebro’s, and Chris Graham’s places. Visit these people and make friends with them. Help keep their slots alive and growing.

I’ve been pretty successful with Lisa Burton Radio, but there are weeks when I don’t have a show. It’s rare these days, but it still happens. I want to keep this slot available for you guys. I’ll admit that I’m projecting my thought process onto the other regular slots, but if I stopped getting applicants, the show would end. That would be one less place to promote your new books. (Or your old books too for that matter.)

I guess what I’m trying to say is to work on your platform, even if you don’t have a new book to promote. Make some connections and participate in some promos for other people. Maybe some of them will be there for you when you need them.

Thank you to everyone who bought a copy of The Hat. If you enjoyed the story tell someone. The reviews are looking wonderful, and are always appreciated. Your effort might be as simple as telling your co-worker about the story. I’ll try to do the same thing for you.

Lisa Burton


Filed under Writing

57 responses to “Whew!

  1. The door is always open to you…and Lisa… Craig 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Hopefully the sales will increase again when the reviews start coming out, Craig. You could also do a few follow up posts in a couple of months time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. BTW, do you have instagram? I am sure you could get a good following there with your Lisa pictures. I am finding Instagram quite good if you have visutal stuff and I have only had it for a month now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really have considered it, but no. I have too many things right now. I get some great Pinterest action from Lisa and some of the other things I collect. I don’t know that any of it leads to book interest though. I started boards for new books, and the Hat board got some action as I was building it.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautifully said, Craig. Ask not what the blogging community can do for you; ask what you can do for the blogging community. If you aren’t willing to participate, there will be nothing to participate in when you’re ready. Everyone always says the most important part of social media is being social. Can’t do that if you’re not engaging.

    As for how to keep the momentum going? I haven’t a clue. But if I think of something, I’ll happily share.

    Thanks for taking the time to host me when you were already busy. I appreciate the help.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Been feeling the same about promoting a d friends seem to be the deciding factor. Then again, things don’t seem to make any sense these days. My sales have been trickling in since the new one came out last month. For no discernible reason or active promotions, I hit an 18 sale day yesterday. This didn’t even happen when the new book came out after all the guest posts, tweets, and paid promos. It just happened. Enough to drive an author mad at this point.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love that pic of Lisa. I think that’s the most introspective I have ever seen her.
    I used to have a fairly active blog but had to take some time off. Things got really messed up around here and aren’t entirely put back together yet. Walls, carpets, and fixtures are missing, but I can get to my computer now. Hopefully, things will smooth out in the near future.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m glad the tour was successful, and you sold lots of copies. I’m also glad you’re getting such great reviews… Well deserved great reviews!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Colleen Chesebro

    Now, this is what I’m talking about! Congratulations on your sales. Well deserved, Craig. Once again, you have proven my marketing theory to be correct. Blog authors read and buy books. I’m reblogging and sharing your article all over the place. Hugs and best wishes. Thanks for mentioning the fairy whisperer. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I probably should have used a better title, but there are some neat observations in there for new authors. Maybe some of the veterans too. Spots like you offer are rare and valuable to the community. It’s worth our effort to make sure they survive.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Colleen Chesebro

        I was going to be a marketing major when I went back to college. Money ran out and I ended up with a degree in business admin, and another in the arts (general studies). I think as Indie authors we have to put in the hard work and hours to be noticed. It doesn’t end when you put the book up for sale. It’s only just begun! I’m glad to help whenever I can. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s good to know, because I have another publication coming this year.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Colleen Chesebro

        You’ve got my email. Let me know. I’m always happy to help. 😀 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Colleen Chesebro

    Reblogged this on colleenchesebro.com and commented:
    Valuable author marketing information from C. S. Boyack. He shares his recent book marketing efforts for his new novella, The Hat. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am gradually surfacing from my self-created Sloth of Despond (yes, the furry, slow sort, not the swampy kind…) and will be posting my 5* review of The Hat tomorrow!
    My excuse for being so inactive for a whole year now was split between major works on the house and ill health. The former is nearing the end of its course now. Ill health is much better than over Xmas and, hopefully, the consultant’s clinic the week after next will help with managing the latest biological thorn on my side. Also to get some wriggle room for more writing-oriented participation which has been difficult when I’ve been confined indefinitely in the bathroom… 😛
    I’ll be in touch re my Zombie Elf I’ve been threatening Lisa with for some time soon as well! blushes 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. There is always a whirlwind after a new release and you were all over the place with The Hat. My “hat” is off to you for working it so hard. It seems that everything we do is in a constantly evolving process.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Enjoyed the wrap-up and the coaching.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for the post, Craig. This crazy obsession we call writing is and should be a never-ending journey, and sharing that journey with others is a pleasurable thing. You are absolutely right, Craig, the friends we make not only help us to share, but they help us to grow with their own words.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You’ve been really busy, both with touring and hosting. Doing both at the same time is a double juggling act. I wish I had an answer on what to do for ongoing promo, but I struggle with that too. I’ve had good luck in the past with Facebook ads but haven’t run one in a while. Keeping the momentum going is definitely a major part of the equation.

    Being visible and building your back list is a huge plus. I’d say you’re on the right track. Congrats on all your success with The Hat.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. You’re one busy guy, Craig – good thing you have help from Lisa. Congrats on a successful blog tour!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I experience much the same, Craig. The need to market is never-ending. I’m at the point where writing more books has become the key to selling more books (along with marketing). And I like that because it’s what I do.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: Whew! – Craig Boyack | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  18. Great advice, Craig!! I love my copy of The Hat!! reblogging this on http:mallie1025@wordpress.com/

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  19. Reblogged this on mallie1025 and commented:
    Great Advice to Keep on hand When marketing One’s book!

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