Feeling pretty productive

The dogs let me sleep a little today. I even took my time getting started. I did my morning surf through social media and enjoyed my coffee, before opening my WIP and reading what I’d done so far.

After that, the stars just lined up. I was the only human at the house, and while there was some canine intervention, I got do do what I love best. I added new words to The Hat.

Lizzie and the hat bonded, but they bickered all the way. They will never stop bickering, but it’s a lot of fun when they do. They decided to play the 3/4 size upright bass, and that required both of them giving a little. It works to establish the symbiosis they will need to finish their adventure. Some of this required me to go through my phone’s playlist, and I never write with music these days. I didn’t really this time either. I listened to some songs, chose one and paused. Then I wrote about it.

I tried to work the pieces from simple to complicated to show a kind of training sequence and some improvement. I’m not quoting lyrics this time, I did that for Will O’ the Wisp, and chasing the copyright license is more trouble than it’s worth. I think it works without them.

I faked my way through a couple of parts, which is very unusual for me. I like to get it right before I forge ahead. This time, I decided to work outside my comfort zone. I look at my words as placeholders to be modified later. Then I clipped the section and emailed it to my consultant. I included some specific questions, and can make an edit when I hear back.

I know you guys like playlists, so the story includes some Toby Keith, Creedence, Bonnie Raitt, Brian Setzer, Dwight Yoakum, and even Commander Cody. I really liked the line, “We don’t need no stinkin bow.” It feels cliche, so I should try to come up with something better. For this kind of music, the bass isn’t played with a bow.

Lizzie and the hat also got to argue about hat styles, and changes in language. Most of this comes from the hat having spent over twenty years in a box. He missed the start of the electronic age we live in, and that’s been fun too.

Beyond that, I abducted a bunch of children, made it personal, and set Lizzie on the road to unemployment. In this case, stability is very important to the character, of course I had to strip it away. I’m not at that point yet, but the stage is set.

Before Old What’s Her Face got off work, I ended at 7051 words. Not bad for a two day total, and I have tomorrow largely available to write too. I’m into it, and after I talk to my parents, another few thousand words is realistic.

In writer terms, the character intros are over. There was a training event that teased greater things are possible, and the inciting incident went down. It doesn’t quite feel like the end of Act 1, because we haven’t glimpsed the hero that could be. It’s close though. I need to brainstorm the hero that could be part a little.

Drafting new material is my favorite part, and I’m so excited to get back to it. Bonus: I have enough for a couple of months at critique group too, so I’ll stop showing them Yak Guy and see what they think of Lizzie and the hat.


Filed under Writing

35 responses to “Feeling pretty productive

  1. Sounds productive! Those are always good times!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great progress. Curious about how rough the copyright for music is. Think I remember hearing about that, but my memory has been fuzzy lately. Do you find character intros to be easy or daunting?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Have fun with your characters and drafts, Craig — it’s always a great thing to achieve productivity. woo-hoo!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Managing over 7k in two days is awesome! I eked out a bit under 2K today (spent too much time editing and working on a blog post). I’m at the midway point of my story and rethinking plot threads with every scene I write.

    Beginnings are always exciting times and it sounds like Loralei gave you an extra boost of muse power. Go for it! I will be back, glued to the keyboard tomorrow too. Fingers crossed we’re both hyper productive!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Sounds like you had a very productive day. What an amazing feeling that is!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I need a few of these days, back to back if possible. I dream of the freedom and the opportunities!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow. Sounds like a home run (whoops still in Enhanced League mode). All the artists you mentioned are on my playlist so I should enjoy this one. (Let’s be honest, I enjoy them all.) Glad you are back to new words.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sounds like the critique group’s in for some great treats! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’d love to get over 7K in two days!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love it! Drafting new material is my favorite part too.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I am worn out just listening, I must missing something. I just don’t seem able to fit the amount of writing in that I would like. Life just keeps getting in the way. .. I take my HAT off to you. 💜😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Well done! Ever forward 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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