Writing today

I managed about 2000 words of short fiction today, but I really don’t know how I pulled it off.

Otto let me sleep in until about 4:20 AM today. Hey that’s about ten minutes longer than my alarm clock demands the rest of the week. I took him outside to potty, then insisted we go back to bed. To my surprise, he was okay with the idea. He woke me up again about 6:30, and that was all I got.

He went outside a few times, then came in all swollen up. All of the dogs have gone through this since we moved to Idaho. They decide bees or wasps are fun to catch. They’ve all learned after one, but I’m not so sure Otto will. He was pretty needy after that, insisting on getting in my lap.

It’s hard to see, but his left lip is much larger than his right. I felt them both and it was about a half inch thicker and very tight. You can’t tell from this photo, but this is in my lap. There isn’t much room for my keyboard. I actually waited for him to fall asleep and left him in my chair. Being portable allowed me to keep working.

Otto is at the stage where he’s all puppy in mind, but not a baby in body. I really don’t need a sixty pound lap poodle, so we have some work to do. Still, new words are new words, so yay.

I chose to work on short stuff because I knew there would be interruptions. It’s easier for me to work on short stuff than to keep all the story arc and character arc in order on a novel. I need to work on the novel, and will when the situation allows.

In other news, I have two new Lisa Burton posters to promote the second Experimental Notebook. She will share these on my blog and other blogs depending on the invitations she gets. I also have a professionally formatted book, thanks to the efforts of Jo Robinson.

What a pleasure to work with her. She’s affordable, fast, and easy to get along with. If you need some help with your book you really should click that link.

I’m shooting for release on the last day of August. This is when my book club visits on our blog tour, and I intend to take full advantage of the extra traffic. I really don’t know if I should do another pre-release type of sale. I made sales every time I’ve done it, but who wants to wait for a 99¢ book? I’m open to suggestions here. If I do it, it will probably be a short time period.

Now it’s time to check out the Rio Olympics. Otto is un-swelled now, and pizza just came out of the oven.


Filed under Writing

43 responses to “Writing today

  1. Honestly, I don’t see the harm in a pre-release thing. Then again, you can only do so many promotions for one book. I’m usually releasing a book without much warning, so I’m not the best one to give an opinion on this type of thing.

    Hope Otto feels better. Do dogs need to get medicine for a bee sting or just rest until it gets better like a mosquito bite?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My little pup just discovered squirrels – but hasn’t yet figured out how they disappear suddenly when they run up trees. Living with dogs makes life a lot funnier than it would otherwise be, huh? Hope Otto feels better soon (and he learns to leave those bees alone!)

    Congrats on your writing accomplishments – and your upcoming promotional activities.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Glad Otto is okay. I can’t advise on presell since I don’t know what to do with my release.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That is an impressive fat lip … hopefully he learned the lesson. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aw, poor fella. Sadie’s bee saga continues, although we’ve figured out why. She goes romping through the speedwell, looking for rodents, and in the afternoon, they’re FULL of bees. So, we’ve taken to walking her in the afternoon, but oh it’s so hot. Stupid bees.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Aww, poor little pupper! My cats are very much like Otto, it sounds, not so much with the bee stings but with thinking themselves still small kittens wanting to perch on my shoulder and being excellent alarm clocks. Half the time, I don’t even need mine, because they’re always ready to wake me up on time instead. Funny how that works.

    Great job on the writing. It’s always a great feeling getting some good work pumped out.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hope Otto is okay, Ruby, our Lab had to have an operation yesterday because she split her duclaw. She is home now and slowly improving. At 28 kilos I am glad she knows she is not a lapdog!!!
    Good luck with the book launch and looking forward to seeing the posters .
    We watched some of the cycling from Rio…. cobblestone ouch!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Poor Otto! I like that you indulged him when you came back in. He must have needed that extra attention 🙂

    I’ve never done a pre-release before so I can’t speak to that, but I think it’s great you’re coinciding this with the RRBC stop on your blog. At .99c you’re bound to get a lot of sales!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Only reading about your life with Otto seems like you have such a Holmes/Watson relationship or something like that. I really enjoyed your early morning description of events. A sixty-pound lap poodle. Haha.

    Liked by 1 person

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