Girls in hats

There’s just something about girls in hats. I can’t explain it, but they catch my eye, and it has nothing to do with how they look beyond that. I know I’m a very visual person, and maybe that’s it. The woman under the hat could be any size, shape, color, or age and I would still look.

In traditional fashion, I checked the television for the Kentucky Derby pre-game show this morning.

There wasn’t one. They always have some alternate channel that runs all day and shows parties, histories, old races, in a big lead up to the race. There are always plenty of girls in hats too. Did they kill the hype since there was a triple crown winner last year? I have no idea, but it’s kind of a let down.

Keep in mind that I’m always paying attention for Lisa the robot’s next outfit too. The network had a nice, even if shortened, pre-race show. I was able to get my girls in hats fix, but may have to google some later on. Check these out:

Enter a captionImage borrowed from NBC

Maybe it’s because they always look happy. The race was great, and congratulations to Nyquist and his team.

Why didn’t I think ahead and order some Lisa goes to the Kentucky Derby artwork? It could have made for a fun post. There’s always next year.

I used my disappointment time to get a tiny bit of work done. I read through and marked up all of my critique group assignments. I made sure to put them in the truck, because I’m prone to forget them.

The 99¢ sale for The Playground went live this morning. To be real honest with you, The Playground hasn’t been selling quite like my previous efforts. Maybe a sale early on can jar things loose. If any of you are interested, it will be at this price for a short time. Everyone who’s read it enjoyed it, just saying.

Then there was the promotion of the sale. I hit it on Twitter a few times, and in the WhatsApp room operated by the Rave Reviews Book Club. I even talked Lisa into posting it on her Facebook page.

I did some work on future Lisa Burton Radio interviews. Before Monday, I need to assemble the next one and get it scheduled. I also have a writing cabin style post I need to get written. It will probably post on Monday, and I think it’s for a good cause.

Then there is reading. It’s so hard to find reading time these days. I promised someone a read and review on a graphic novel, and need to get to it. I’m still working on a novel I wanted to read, and it’s taken nearly three weeks now. It’s a good novel, but finding a little quality time has been hard.

Yesterday was payday, and I still have to pay the bills. We’re doing something for date night tonight, but I think we’re probably doing it on the cheap.

I need to prioritize the next interview tomorrow, and the Writing Cabin post. We have tickets to Captain America tomorrow, and will watch Game of Thrones. Somewhere in between I need to get more stuff accomplished.

Did anyone out there enjoy the Kentucky Derby? Did you work on writing projects, or something equally fun? Is anyone going to Captain America? What has the world been doing while I was ignoring it?


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18 responses to “Girls in hats

  1. For once, I’ve been writing. All day. (Apart from a little parenting and cooking, anyway.)
    I love wearing hats. I am a hat-wearer. I was telling another blogger the other day, I can’t remember who I sat with at the derby, or which horse won, but I sure do remember my hat! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The big hats remind me of bird plumage, but the it’s usually the males that are colorful. Didn’t watch the race, so I can’t really say anything about it. Do you want to do a guest post for this week to promote the sale? Even just a ’99 cent sale!’ thing that I can put up on Tuesday or Thursday?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have a hat I wear on the boat. Keeps the sun outta my eyes and off my neck. It’s a fishing hat, but not made to be pretty. I didn’t do any querying today. That’s a Monday thru Friday thing. I’m so discouraged. I’m about done with it. I feel I need to focus my energy and brain waves elsewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Enjoyed the Derby. Did a post for tomorrow and a book review. That was about it (besides mowing the lawn)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love hats, and I like wearing them 🙂
    As for Captain America, hoping to see it this week!
    Enjoy the rest of your weeknd

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve been working on a few projects, the sequel to Marred, the sequel to Wings of Mayhem, and a book of flash/short stories. And yes, it’s been so much fun. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Wish your wife a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We saw part of the Derby yesterday, in a restaurant, where the sound was turned off… but we still were able to get the gist. I told my husband it looked like a Baptist church with all those amazing hats in there.

    Liked by 1 person

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